School break, at least for the school kids… and in my day, when I was young, school break could mean having time to watch TV… but come on, daytime TV back then was nothing to watch… luckily there was both MTV and ZTV broadcasting music videos…

Here are some music videos that I remember often hoping would show up…

First up is Peter Gabriel – Sledge Hammer, which was one of the first music videos I remember seeing, and being very impressed with… had never seen anything like it before… (and not since either, it turned out)

Then there was a group and song that I never managed to remember, only that there were two of them jumping forward through the video and some strange person doing some kind of somersaults with a bunch of pillows on them… that was of course Fine Young Cannibals med låten She drives me crazy.

Another video that I also hoped would come on, because of their super silly, yet classic dance, was Genesis – I can’t dance.

The last one among today’s regulars was probably among the coolest music videos back in the day… as much colour, speed and excitement as you could get: MC Hammer – Can’t touch this.

So… after four lovely nostalgic music videos… today’s bonus will be a little more modern… a music video that impressed me a lot when it came out… a single take (it seems) and yet it can’t reasonably be. Eagle Eye Cherry – Save tonight.


