Whoomp, there it is! X-max!!! Finally!
Today’s song is by a much-missed talent, Marie. I feel like I lost track of her after Roxette’s heyday, but after she left us, I (thankfully) found some treasures that she left behind. This is one of my favorites:
I want to go – Marie Fredriksson
…and of course, there will be a bonus track today as well, a happy one:
Det var det hela för musikjulkalendern 2020, hoppas du har njutit lika mycket som jag! 🙂
That’s all for the 2020 music advent calendar, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! 🙂
I’m thinking that there hasn’t been a single Christmas song in this advent calendar… and maybe you’ve enjoyed getting away from that this time of year, or maybe you’ve missed it… for those of you who have missed it, you can have a little Christmas gift, in honor of the day! 😉
…and if you are interested in more music (and film) then I can recommend checking out the extra material for my first book… (or maybe reading it?!)
Merry Christmas!
Over and out!