With the passing of Svante Thuresson fresh in my mind, I got stuck on this song title and after listening to it, it had to come along, as today’s first song, even though I don’t see any direct connection between Svante, the artist, or the title… just a little…
Samma dag som Elvis – Pernilla Andersson
Next up is another woman, Annie, who is a new acquaintance to me, but who with the first notes of the intro on this song had captured the synth nerd in me…
So in my mind, a song came up that I just wanted to listen to, so here it comes to you too… (no, I don’t understand my brain’s connection from the previous to the next either, but that’s how my brain connected anyway…)
Last out today (before the bonus) will be a revisit to one of my faves, Pentatonix, here in a bit of an exciting collaboration…
Today’s bonus, that will be difficult, basically impossible to tie this bag together… or?
Well, possibly through this one then?
Today’s bonus: Big in Japan, but maybe not quite as we’re used to hearing it…