About musiclabb

Well, hello there!

You have reached the MusicLabb page, and perhaps of curiousity, have clicked the link to find out more about Musiclabb. This is the home of a few artists that share a recording studio.

Some of the current artists has existed in various previous versions such as JNW and Son of Sound SE. Should you recognize any songs or those artists names, you are welcome to explore the new ways.

And should you find your way here just now, this is the way!

I have spoken!

Well, this was supposed to be a secret. But it is out in the open, for those who know where to look.

My intention was to create a website for my music, and gathering my different artist fronts. For now, six of them.

I did not plan on making any connections between the artist fronts and my name. I intended to stay anonymous. But. Something changed. Spotify for one thing. With changes in the GUI (Graphical User Interface) and information flow, my name was clearly published with each track and song that I released. And once I figured the genie was out of the bottle, then why not? Let’s go for it.

My name is Nalle Windahl, and I write music for the artist fronts that I have on this webpage. And I write books. If you’d like to check them out visit jnw.se.

I am from Sweden, live in Ängelholm, in the southern parts of Sweden. Been doin’ music since I was about 10, which means that to date, I’ve played around for about 34 years. (And now you can guess how old I am.)

My drive is not being an artist. My drive is to create. Explore. Follow my curiosity. Merge it with my creativity. I make music for me, the kind of music I’d like to listen to. And I want to make it available. Perhaps you or someone else finds a track or two to enjoy, and if you – good for you, if not, keep on looking! There are plenty of good music out there in the cyberverse of internet and various services. I hope you find something you enjoy, somewhere!

And perhaps a little about each artist-front.

About Muddhedd.

It’s simple.

You like the music? Listen to it!

You don’t like the music? Don’t listen to it!

Muddhedd, an artist that focuses on instrumental electronic music. Unknown genre. Probably genres. The philosophy behind it is that instrumental music, compared to songs with voices and lyrics, need to be created differently, in order to keep things interesting to listen to, and to catch the ear and mediate the intended energies and/or feelings in a different way than using words.


Q: Can I find Muddhedd on any social media platform?

A: No. Well, that was before. Now I’m on both Instagram (for letting you know something new is out) and Threads (if you like to discuss what is out).

Q: Will Muddhedd perform live or do any kind of shows?

A: No. Not ever. Will only enjoy the process of music creation, recording and releasing. That’s it.

Q: Can we do an interview with Muddhedd?

A: No. Unless all below criterias are fulfilled and met:

  • Find contact details to Muddhedd (i.e. on this site, via the contact form)
  • Present yourself and who or what your represent
  • Explain how an interview with Muddhedd will benefit you or who or what you represent.
  • Explain how an interview will benefit Muddhedd
  • Explain how the audience of Muddhedd will benefit from the interview
  • Prepare questions in advance and explain why this particular question is of interest.
  • Digital interviews only, as in exchanging text.
  • Muddhedd decides what questions to answer.

Q: Does Muddhedd create all sounds from scratch or is it presets?

A: Muddhedd is a preset jockey! Occasionally tweaks the sound, but mostly uses presets. It is like modern painter that buys their paint and creates marvelous paintings, compared to painters back in the days that had to create their own paint befor creating marvelous paintings. But huge respect to everybody who is able to create synth sounds from scratch! Among the favorites are Vince Clarke and Rob Papen, just to mention a few.

Q: Is it true that Muddhedd does not listen to the released songs in a very long time from creation to release?

A: Yes, it is true. It is a consequence of the work-flow. When a track is created, it needs to be finished before the next track is started (almost always). Once several tracks, or a project (single, EP or Album) is done, it is uploaded to the distribution service (Amuse). Once accepted and scheduled for release, all files, audio-files, source-files, images etc are moved from the current digital workspace to backup for long term storage. And from that point, there are no files for Muddhedd to use to listen to the tracks. Thus, there is a long wait (sometimes up to six months) before the track comes back as it is released. The nice part about this is that it almost feels like a new track when it is released. Or a pleasant visit from an old friend.

Q: Muddhedd has quoted Picasso – what was that all about?

A: Yes, it is the belief of Muddhedd that Pablo Picasso once said:

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose it to give it away.

Pablo Picasso

This being said, making music is one gift that Muddhedd has found, by releasing it, it is given to you.

About Broken Heart Band Aid.

As the name suggest, this project formed as a band aid to mend a broken heart. The project formed before the name, and the name was born from something that Bob Ross would call a “happy little misstake”.

In the first song, “Last man standing“, the word are (now):

My heart is broken

My inner deamons feeding

But was initially written as “My heart is bleeding“… and when recording the voice track, that sparked the idea for the project name. So, as Bob so neatly put it, it stayed.

Broken heart band aid was not intended to be an ongoing project with continuously releases. But, for some unknown reason, it kept on going. New songs. New releases.

About PRD NRD.

Prd Nrd is primarily electronic music with voice and lyrics.

So far, only English lyrics.

…and that’s all I have to say about that…

Forrest Gump

About Brodern.

Brodern is a tricky one. No particular musical genre and lyrics in Swedish. The first single (two songs) is possibly to concider like a little rebellion – they both lack a proper chorus. But as Brodern expresses it, the most important thing in a Brodern song is that it is fun to create. And that it is honest and real. So, a typical Brodern-track would be about life, love, feelings or something else that matters.

Things are only impossible, until they’re not.

Jean Luc Picard

About iHappy Meditation.

As a complement to the ihappy books and the ihappy page, here is some tunes to use for meditation.

Instrumental tunes as a beginning. Perhaps, in the future, there will be guided meditations with voice, but for now, just instrumental.

About Tom T.

Tom T is a Swedish artist that, so far, has released one X-mas songs in Swedish.

Perhaps more to come? Time will tell.

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gonna get.

Forrest Gump