
  •  According to wiki (Swedish version) Mexico City has one of the largest subways in the world. And each station has a written name along with a unique symbol, for those travelers who can’t read.

  • Single from Tom T. A modern X-mas song with swedish lyrics.

  • Staffe var en stalle dräng Han hade feta brallor med jätte häng När han vattna pollarna fick han däng Av Sankta Lucia som blivit sträng Lucia ville bränna Staffes hus Med sina tusen jule ljus Men hon var bakfull i ett jätte rus Från Lussevakans sus å dus Nissarna dom…

  • So, mixing is like most other things. It’s personal and there is no right way or wrong way to get the mix and balance you are after. But to many people mixing is pretty confusing and have a hard time getting it right. So I have gathered some of my…

  • Evergreen, Everblue, Everyou

  • I am a teddy bear, hug me!

  • Animals Be kind to animals.

  • Spinning around in the world. Spinning around.

  • You know, almost anything can sound cool if you put it in the right environment with the right supportive elements. Have you ever heard these words from Gandhi? Hate the sin, love the sinner.

  • Never forget 303
