Category: Muddhedd

  • Tracks: About: 2121 – Since this EP is all about numbers, I wanted to make each number count as much as possible. My first thought was that this track should be 2 minutes and 12,1 seconds long. But the song was simply not done by then, so I figured that…

  • 1. The gift2. Here you go3. Another collection4. New gets old5. Key6. Underdog7. 4ever8. Yoga9. Obtainable10. Unexpressed11. Relay12. Trust13. Incoherent response14. Mutual response15. Echoes About. The gift – Slow and soft start of this album. It begins with the gift. Given to you. Then it’s you, giving your time as…

  • Evergreen, Everblue, Everyou

  • I am a teddy bear, hug me!

  • This is artificial acapella. Talking machine, singing a little song, you are welcome to sing along [Na na na na na na na]

  • Game not played

  • Somehow, somewhere, I’ll be there. We’ll meet again.

  • John Marwin! [laughter] We’re coming to get you, John Marwin! [laughter]

  • Tracks: About Queen is displeased – this entire EP has a little distorted attitude. Perhaps like an angry teenager. Aggressive feelings, but underneath it all, just a soft human being, a loved soft human being. Despite the hard surface. Starting this EP with Queen is displeased as a long main…

  • About. I am now – Staring off in classic Muddhedd style, adding strong sounds as the track progresses. Unlike most tracks, each sound in this track has two variations, combined in different ways through out the track. Creating unique now’s within the natural flow. Nothing more – A happy start,…
