Category: Musiclabb listerners

  • There is a big heavy metall band in Germany called Rage. Their lead singer, and bassist, Peavy Wagner, comes from Herne. Another fun fact is that the second biggest funfair in Germany is located in Herne. It is called Cranger Kirmes.

  • Lagos is said to be the center of Nigerian movie production and is sometimes called Nollywood. In 1973, Paul McCartney recorded the album “Band on the run” with his band Wings in Lagos.

  • If you are into waterslides, there is one (or eleven) you can try in Haag. Look for Duinrell and you’ll find your way there. And while in the Netherlands, perhaps you can try a piece of the Dutch cheese Leyden. I’ve never tried, but if I ever go there, I…

  • There are quite a few legends floating around in Tallinn, two of my favorites are ‘The Devil’s wedding’ and the sad tale of Olev and the Oleviste Church. I am sure, if you are interested, that you will find them on the internet.

  • This is also a city I have visited, to enjoy the celebration of St Patricks day. Everything in green and white, if I remember correctly. But what I do want to share with you is music related. Namely the Dubliners, and my favorite song of theirs – “The sick note”.…

  • It is perhaps the city in Sweden with the shortest distance to Denmark. It is literally visible with the naked eye. And there are ferries that you can take to the Danish side of the water. One of Helsingborgs oldest (or at least very old and very famous) buildings are…

  • There are a statue of Margaret Krook out side of the Royal Dramatic Theater that is kept warm. It was black from the beginning, but over the years, people have touched the statue (to warm their hands in the freezing Swedish cold?) and the color has worn off in certain…

  • There are two (made up?) people from Gothenburg that features in typical Gothenburg jokes. They are named Kal and Ada. Gothenburg jokes are its own genre within the Swedish humor

  • What can I share about London? A lot of things, and this is a place I have actually visited. Many times. But what do I not know about London that I can find out and share with you? Well, perhaps this: There is a small church at Bishopsgate that is…

  • Pictures online from Tuxtla GutiĆ©rrez include various pictures of people on boats traveling between two steep mountainsides and with a kind of natural gate in between the mountain sides. Really beautiful and majestic. Those pictures reminded me of a scene from the Lord of the Rings.
