Category: SoundLabb

  • As me, most people start of creating music in the comfort of their own home, since most of us do not have the financials to build or rent a studio. Over the years, I have gathered a few tricks that I share with you, here and now. To understand how…

  • I often get the question: Which microphone is the best, or What microphone should I use, I want just one that is good for everything! My reply is very often: How long is a piece of string? The most common answer to that is: It depends! And there you go!…

  • A very simplified explanation would be that any sound source created vibrations that propagates through the air. Even if it’s not completely true, closer to reality would be saying it causes compressions and thinning of the air. But let’s stick with vibrations for now, or even better, waves (as in…
