Scheduled for release 13 January 2025.

To some – the titles might make sense, but I figure, to most – not. And that is alright! You can still enjoy the tracks.

  1. Genpx gvgyr
  2. qbrfa’g znxr nal frafr
  3. ohg jung va yvs
  4. gehyl znxrf frafr

Genpx gvgyr

Something curious and perhaps a little scary. Still energetic. Pulse rises.

qbrfa’g znxr nal frafr

Ok, so this, just floating out there. Experiance. Like no limits.

ohg jung va yvs

…and if you turn around, a whole other experiance. More inward. Close.

gehyl znxrf frafr

And then, perhaps, take a step back, try to see everything objectivly? Or not?
