• Time to start X-mas preparations already? It is time to reload and head towards the final sprint. In a race with 12 laps, this would be the 10th lap starting now.

    Oh, and if someone is wondering, yes – I goofed. Bigtime. But like the ever so pleasant Bob Ross puts it: happy little accidents. Last track of September was scheduled for the 30th, and the first for October for the 1st. Meaning, not three days in between. An error that I just discovered. But, in hind sight (a.k.a. the world’s most exact science) it resulted in the 123 tracks for 2024, a nice number. If not for this ‘error’ it would have ended up with 122, which is not as nice as 123.

    Inhale the exhale: 24093 (20241001) – Have you ever been so close to anyone, face to face, that as they exhale, you inhale their breath? It is quite the experience, if you like the other person that is. If not, it is perhaps not a wanted experience. Or even likable. But I do hope this track is likable. Enjoy!

    McBeth Harmony: 24094 (20241004) – A packing of many things, at least three… perhaps you do get the references, perhaps not, depends on how well you play, and not only the game, but it is perhaps also in your state of mind. It could be the balance. It could be the yin and yang. Or something completely different. Or what do you think, mate?

    Instant startup: 24095 (20241007) – have you ever had an idea, and the very instant it is formed, you want to start it up? I have, on many occations. And over time I have learned to harvetst the initial energy and forward motion of that moment, only to take a step back later in the process to give the idea a more solid body and foundation, then run with it towards the finishline. I am one of those who enjoy the process of getting from start to finish more than I enjoy the finished result (which I do enjoy very much and take great pride in)!

    Current current: 24096 (20241010) – this is for all the bass lovers out there! Deep and heavy! A current in water is a flow, a flow of energy. It can go one way, or the other, but the motion is always forward in one way or another (except for swirls perhaps). This track is the embodiment of my current forward motion. Sense of direction is clear, the force however, varies on daily basis.

    Spread the bread: 24097 (20241013) – This title came into mind unprovoced. Pop! It was there. I could not help but to laugh out loud. Why, you might ask? Well, I instantly assosiated it to being said by one of Jesus’ apostels. First spread the word (about Jesus) and then, spread the bread (and fish). To me, as a believer, it is almost as likley that one of the apostels or Jesus himself would say “spread the bread”, as it would be hearing any of the utter the words “Yo! Bro’! W’zup?” The title was fitting for this track, so here you go, the story behind the title. Enjoy!

    Slow down motion: 24098 (20241016) – Slow down motion. At this stage in life, where there are a lot of things happening to me, in me and around me, I constantly need to remind myself to take it slow, but keep moving forward. Going from full speed ahead, through a slow down motion, and keep moving forward in a steady, healthy and sound way. (Pun intended!)

    Toxic: 24099 (20241019) – Toxic. It has been within me a long time. Now I am clensing. The clensing period is not a pleasent one. But it needs to get out of me, physical, emotional and mental toxic that I’ve kept inside for far to long. It need to be handled as toxic waste and I need to get rid of it in a controlled way. I do not want to contaminate anything or anybody else with it.

    Indoor game: 24100 (20241022) – For this track, I needed a title. And I turned to the forces of randomness. Why are there even such a thing as random word generators? But luckily, for me in this case, there are! And I used it, two random words combined into one track title. I have yet to decide if it is a match or if it is completely off. The track itself is a slow and smooth thing. Perhaps a little positive melancholy.

    Rainfall: 24101 (20241025) – I don’t remember what famous track this comes from, but it starts with someone saying something like “drums please”. A rap song if I remember correctly. Well, that’s just how this track starts. Not with the words, but rather the drums. And then the various sounds start to rain down through out the track. There are even some sweeping windy elements moving the falling raindrops around. I hope none hits you! But I once heard, that there is a differens of walking in the rain(fall) and getting wet. I for one very much enjoy walking in the rain. And I do not mind the getting wet part that usually follows my strolls through water drops.

    Are we there yet?: 24102 (20241028) – For some (unknown) reason, I got the association to the character Donkey in Shreck (which might give you a clue as to why the track is named as it is…) – and as I listened to it when it was taking shape, I imagined a journey, a long one, at first, all seems familiar, and repetative. Just the same things over and over, and about half way into the journey (or the track), the journey starts to be a bit more interesting and exciting. And finally, yes! We are there yet! Now!

    Mirror mismatch: 24103 (20241031) – while most often working repetative with four bars, for this track, I work with eight. The second four does not mirror the first four, just almost. So, there is a mirror mismatch in this track. And the title or concept is something I have seen in far too many movies. It has scared me from time to time, but most of all, I’ve found it very intriguing. And this is a track where I excluded drums all together. I did not think they added anything of value to this track.

  • Ah, September! A nice month. But, challenging, since I currently live in May 2023, and not September 2024.

    Either way, as I have shared, my life is a bit upside down at the moment. A lot of ongoing changes that I need to relate to and get used to. But a constant thing, luckily, is music creation, so I’d like to kick of this new era with the first track.

    Fresh start: 24083 (20240903) – Fresh start. I had to take my time to think about this. A clean slate perhaps would be the most logic startingpoint? But no, not to me, not right now. I am in a new situation, but I am not a clean slate, I have a lot of things with me, experiances, things I like, things I do not like, so I figured, a good place to start making a Fresh start would be (for me, at this time) to reuse strong and likable elements from my past life. So, unless you are new to Muddhedd music at this time, you probably will recognize some of the elements. In new forms, in new shapes, in new combinations. Building new things with familiar and strong buildingblocks. That’s the tune now. That’s my current track. That’s this track. This Fresh start. My Fresh start.

    I got a new chair: 24084 (20240906) – This might sound silly, or at least like a silly title. But to me it is significant. As I produce music, I need to be at a place where I am comfortable. Flexible. And I have, for a long time, had a chair that was perhaps not really suitable for music production. Great to sit and relax in. Great for evening tea. But for music production. Nah… not so much. So, in my new apartment, I got a new spot for music creation. It is flexible for combining standing up or sitting down, on the same spot. To illustrate this, I’ve made this track playful, and a little flexible.

    Elegant: 24085 (20240909) – Sometimes, to me, creating music is like putting a puzzle together. It goes rather easy. And more seldom putting the puzzle together is done in no time at all, it’s just flow. Everything fits together. Sounds. Tempo. Melodies. Rhythms. Effects. The mix. Everything. This track is one of those productions. And, as a bonus, it sounded very elegant. Which just happened to be the title I choose for this project before starting it.

    Charging: 24086 (20240912) – Oh, this is a word I love… it is not in its nature just duality, it is more than that. Much more. Two opposite meanings, in my opinion, is charging, as in being stationary, refilling a battery with energy, while the other charging, that is not stationary, but full speed ahead towards your enemies, is more about to spending all the energy, and then some… This track, however, has nothing to do with neither of the charing’s mentioned above. It was just picked at random.

    Recreate: 24087 (20240915) – Recreate, also a fascinating meaning. And this time, I took it literally, and created one track, then, recreated the track within itself, based on itself. Does it make sense? No? Not to me either. But that was what I did. Even if it does not make sense to myself when looking back at it. But there you go. I guess this is one of those rare times where the result was the goal, and is what is remembered, rather than the creative process and journey. Happy little accidents.

    This time: 24088 (20240918) – What time? This time! Are you sure this time? Yes, this time! And time in this progresses. Builds. As any true Muddhedd track does. Playfull. As another Muddhedd track. And other Muddhedd tracks. The fun part of this track is that the fx on one sound is alway on full volume, while the actual sound source is not. It is fading in and out. Just had to try and build something around it, this time, in this track.

    Fixed flexibility: 24089 (20240921) – Do you ever feel flexible? I know I sure do. Up to a certain point. That point seems to be fixed. Oddly enough. So, that to me implicates a fixed flexibility, if there is even such a thing. The magic in this track is the various rhythms that interact with one another to create the tension you can hear (as this track is released in September 2024).

    2nd floor: 24090 (20240924) – The was a group in the 90’s who is called 2 Brothers on the 4th floor, so, since I am one brother, and my new apartment is located on the 2nd floor, I thought it was a suitable title for this track.

    Elevator jam: 24091 (20240927) – Now, is this jam made by elevators? Or jam in an elevator? Or jamming’ in an elevator which becomes elevator jam? Or just what is this? Analog meets digital? No, well, hard to explain, you need to listen to get an idea of what this is.

    Need a needle, not a noodle: 24092 (20240930) – This is a wall of sounds. Hence the need for a needle. With that needle, in theory, you could punch through the wall of sounds. But if you instead got a noodle, it would not be able to go through. Uncocked it would break, and cocked it would be to soft, so no need for a noodle either way.

  • Wow – August already. How cool is that? And as I write this, in my current world it is April of 2023. And I am about to move out to my own new apartment. But I’ve completed the tracks for the August releases before moving out. Just to be on the safe side.

    Musical poetry: 24072 (20240801) – Poetry. Art with words. Painting with words. Communicating with words. Not talking. Communicating with the purpose of touching another persons feeling, touching another persons soul. How would the equivalent with music sound like? Well, according to Muddhedd, something like this. Sorry, let me rephrase that. Exactly like this. Because this is what came out of these thoughts and this experiment at this time. Perhaps, if done at a different time, different place, different state of mind, it would have sounded differently. But this time, it sounds like this, so, here you go!

    Go G!: 24073 (20240804) – If you know, you know! If not, you don’t! Inspiration. Respect. Just had to do this track. Hat off and thank you!

    Planet 9: 24074 (20240807) – Planet 9? What kind of planet is that? Well, according to the Saga Quadrology universe. It is earth. And it is Planet 9 because Sid 9 was sent here. Makes sense? Perhaps not. No matter. The track is here either way. And in a way, it is a representation of earth, or rather its harsh inhabitants. Yes, you will probably guess who I mean by the title of the next track!

    Egoistic Humanity: 24075 (20240810) – Humanity. What’s wrong with us I wonder?! Now, of course I do not mean on an individual plan or even certain individuals. I mean as a species. So, yeah, in a way, in an individual plan. Because isn’t it true that each and everyone of us has a choice, and are responsible for our own choice? Isn’t that what free will (not Free Willy) is all about?

    Me included!: 24076 (20240813) – Yeah, I just put the cards on the table. Above statement applies to me as well! I am no different. If I said so I would only fool myself. Which I believe I do enough already (but most of the time unintentionally).

    Friyay!: 24077 (20240816) – Whoomp, here it is! Or hear?! 😉 Friday is a great day! And best of all, it’s today! Even if today might not be Friday, at least it is true for releaseday. What else can I say? I’m OK. From my perspective, it’s soon May! (I write this 25th April 2023.) If it is not Friyay today, and I wish it would be Friyay today too, would it be Friyay tooday?

    Let’s celebrate: 24078 (20240819) – I heard someone say that there is always a reason for celebration. So why not celebrate today? Come on everybody, Let’s celebrate!

    Consumed by consumption: 24079 (20240822) – As I chose the path of minimalism, I have reflected a lot on things. Various things. Both things as in things and things as in topics. A reoccurring thing (as in topic) is the consumption pattern I feel like I was trapped in. I was consumed by consumption. And a quick browse of the World Wide Web suggest that I am not alone in this feeling. Reflecting on things can make wonders for the future path. It is said that the most exact science is hindsight. And I tend to agree. Hindsight is a privilege to have, to use, and to learn from.

    Everlasting Eternity – 24080 (20240825) – Eternity. That is a long time. A long, long time. Perhaps a time to long for, perhaps not. Either way. An eternity. Per definition, it may have an end. It may not. But an everlasting eternity on the other hand, it does not have an end. If it does, then it is not everlasting. And should we enter an everlasting eternity, there would be no way back, no way out of it, no way around it, no way through it. It would be everlasting.

    Too soon: 24081 (20240828) – I am pushing on a bit, to complete all tracks for the august release before moving to my new apartment. I thought this was the last, but it was not. One more to go after this one. Thought I was done, but it was too soon. Either way. I really like the melody in this track, it makes a grand entrance after about 1:15 into the track. To me, it is pure happy and playful, full of energy. I also like the sudden shift in temp with about a minute to go. There really is no change in tempo (BPM-perspective) but there really is a change in tempo (experience-perspective).

    Just another: 24082 (20240831) – Here is just another track. The last among the august releases. It is powerful, contains a lot of energy. A pulsating bass. It drives the energy all the way through. Except, it is not all the way through. The bass that is. But the energy remains. In my humble opinion.

  • So, this is very exciting. As the July releases enters this world, I pass an important milestone. Halfway through the 24123-challenge!

    Halfway there: 24062 (20240702) – Ah, yes, the first track of July, and also, as stated above, an important milestone. For this track, I’ve selected big epic sounds. And as I normally would cut in the sound spectra to leave space for each sound, I have now chosen not to, and instead let them blend and create interesting experiences. Even if it is halfway there, towards the goal, the goal here is actually the journey. And to give this tale room to tell that story, it is building up, slowing down, giving room for reflection, and keeping momentum forward. This is especially true for the last part, where the “arpeggiated” sound enters. I love arpeggio as much as the next guy, but a problem with arpeggiators is that they are often fixed in a pattern. I needed to create my own, both rhythmic and in variation, to keep the motion forward.

    You are important: 24063 (20240705) – So, even though I’ve named this track You are important because the very fact that you are, I am not going to address that, I am going to talk about the track. First, so we are clear on that. I do believe You are important! Very! Now, with that out of the way, and hopefully clear as crystal, this track is a manifestation of little things, small details, all working together to build this track. Without each detail, this track would not be this track. Without the artifacts created by the effects, this track would sound very different (I know because I tried!). What actually makes this track this track, is the small and tiny details. Those are important. (And so are you, as stated earlier!)

    You are special: 24064 (20240708) – Ah, with a common theme from the previous track, you are equally important as you are special. You are unique. One of a kind. What you have to offer this world, as yourself, no one else can. Just you! And because You are special this track is for you. Here different elements create different things by cooperating. Each element doing its part in the whole. Just like you.

    Keep running: 24065 (20240711) – To be clear. Not keep running from something. Better towards something. But this track is about the energy in the forward movement itself. The momentum that builds up. If you have it going for you, and it is something you want, keep running. Keep the momentum. You’ll get there! (If you are going somewhere!) Even if there are hiccups along the way, you can still use the energy of the forward motion to your advantage, and you can build up the momentum again!

    Maintain the balance: 24066 (20240714) – Oh, what can I say. Balance is the most important thing. It’s the Yin and the Yang, it’s the light and the dark, it’s the work and the rest. It is important to Maintain the balance.

    Right or left: 24067 (20240717) – Left or right. That is the question. I’m a leftie by birth. But I’ve learned to use the right as well. Aiming for epic with this track. Light, warm, deep, intense. And you know what they say, if there is nothing right, there is nothing left. I do not know who is supposed to have said it, because I just made it up right this second. The second that just left. But perhaps someone else have said it before, I just don’t know! I know this track though, and I enjoy this track, yo!

    Right or wrong: 24068 (20240720) – Right or wrong, another good question. Is there even such a thing? If I experience one thing, and that is right to me, and you experience another thing, and that is right to you. Does that mean that we are both right or both wrong? Or does it mean that neither of us are right nor wrong? Could it be that what is right contains both of our experiences, that we hold for right? Which does not make us wrong, but not entirely right either, even if we are right. Right?

    Perspective: 24069 (20240723) – Perspective, always. Even if that is the next track! This track is designed to make it possible to loose perspective, and in a sense, get lost. It is also a lot going on at the same time, on the same space, making it harder to focus and make heads or tails of everything, since it is so closely melded together. Or do you say melted together? I guest, that would also come down to perspective. Or perhaps preference, which would be yet another perspective.

    Always: 24070 (20240726) – Normally, I use little to no “master effects”, i.e. compression, stereo effects, etc. I enjoy setting everything in the mix, and blend the sounds together, rather than push them through a sharpener at the end. But for this track. I have used effects on each sound, and also on the master bus, to make all the quirky sounds pop out and come forward, and make them a centerpiece rather than unwanted artifacts. I worked so much with the sounds themselves, that once I finished the track without realizing that I never added drums. Not that I always to that either, but most time it is a deliberate choice, this time I just forgot them. 🙂

    Happy life: 24071 (20240729) – Occasionally, I share something personal. Obviously not private, since it would not be private if I shared it. But this track. Happy life. I am in the middle of a divorce as I create this track. And despite my goal, both in life and with this track, to create something happy, something filled with energy, I cannot help but let the track be infused with what I am going through, right at this moment when I create it. And my hopes is that, about a year and four months from now, as this track is being released, I will have a much different life, and indeed have created something happy, durable, stable, harmonic, balanced and enjoyable. Not talking about tracks, but life.

  • The World of music may have moved here and is no longer on its own page, but it’s not discontinued… not even when it’s been however long since the last post… it’s still alive! 🙂

    Of course, there’s a lot happening in the music world all the time. I’m mostly busy with other things right now, and have been for a while, but I still want to share two cool things I’ve come across lately. It won’t be in a classic World of music format, maybe more of a new, freer format… we’ll see what the future holds… right now, I’m offering two goodies anyway!

    First up is a cover of Elton John, done by Vella, someone I interpret as a one-man act, but it could also be a group, a bit unclear to me as I write this. But it’s a real goosebumps warning anyway!

    Vella – I’m still standing

    Next up is none other than Depeche Mode. The approach is long, but hang in there.

    In 2013, when I still owned and bought lots of physical discs, CDs, Depeche Mode released the album Delta Machine. The album came home as soon as it was released. And in with the disc into the CD player. But… what was this? Totally absurd! Surely they must be kidding?! It was completely wrong! The gap between my expectations and what reached my eardrums was way too big. My disappointment with the new album was just as great. So that disc was relegated to the collection, which was eventually sold without the laser noticeably wearing away the surface of that particular silver-shiny disc.

    But 10 years later, a thought occurred to me. Hmm… maybe I should give that album a chance and at least listen to it again. No sooner said than done, and now… with my 2023 ears and an expectation that I’m going to listen to something really bad – wow! What an album!

    So now, despite a disarmed crew, when they released a new single I was of course curious again. And I was not disappointed this time.

    Depeche Mode – Ghosts again



  • Nice to meet you!: 24052 (20240602) – Alright! June already! Really nice to meet you! I do not know where in the world you are, but in the beginning of June in Sweden, it could very well be summer with +20°C or it could be cold, rainy and/or windy and be around +8°C. Since I created this track in the end of (a cold) February 2023, I cannot say what the weather will be like in roughly a year and three months. But, my guess is probably as good as those making the forecast, but their guess will be build on real data, as to where my guess is… well, just a guess… so, I predict that, uhm, it will be a sunny Sunday, no wind, about +16°C and some clouds high up. I also predict that I will take a walk, either alone or with my family, and should you happen to walk at the same paths I/we do, it is most likely that we say Hello and Nice to meet you!

    Place holder – should I remember it, I will update this post with the actual weather. But that is not a promise! 🙂

    W’zup dude?: 24053 (20240605) – W’zup dudę? A reasonable question. But I have no answer. I can say that this track is a product of my imagination when two people meet and greet, and have a lot to talk about. Perhaps in a crowded place. It is a lot of energy in the conversation.

    Green Moonlight: 24054 (20240608) – By now, you probably know that I like to challenge myself. And for the first two minutes of this track, I have only used major chords. No minors. Yet, I still wanted it to sound melancholic. And from two minutes in, I change to actually have minor chords, to get that blue feeling. Now, moonlight is not green. I know, but happy chords are not melancholic either, so I kind of broke that rule already. So why not green moonlight? Besides, green is my favorite color! And perhaps I should write that moonlight is my favorite light, but that would be a lie, and also, pushing this too far. So I won’t do it! Let’s just settle for green moonlight. Because that is what I give you… you are most welcome!

    Awesome change: 24055 (20240611) – I was about to change this name. Awesome change does not seem like a typical Muddhedd track. Change is not the main thing. Repeating. Tweaking. That is the main thing. And sure, there is changes through out a typical Muddhedd track, and they are indeed awesome. But I felt like it was a little too much to call a track Awesome change. But! (Why is there always a but?) I originally created this track, as I usually do, staring in 80 BPM. It was a good track, but not awesome in anyway. And hey, I was about to change the name anyway so, why not. But something did not feel right. I only want to release tracks that feels exactly right. Not just about right. It needed to be awesome, whether or not awesome would be in the track name. I tried slowing it down, and started to get some great ideas at about 72 BPM. But still not what I was after. But when changing the BPM to 100. That’s it! That, ladies and gentlemen, was an Awesome change! So, the track name finally fitted and the track is awesome!

    New path: 24056 (20240614) – Treading a new path. Not literally, but in my imagination. What does it look like? I am probably coming from familiar ground. Then perhaps meet something new, and make a turn or two, only to meet unexpected things. The surroundings changes and varies. The pace is steady, and my footsteps lead me forward. Curiosity is my companion. Along with my shadow. And as the sun sets, my shadow grows longer. As do the way back. But not to worry. This step is followed by another step! Hopeful, joyful and mindful! Because I care!

    Another step: 24057 (20240617) – Another day, another night, another track, another step. Nice. Just as it is supposed to be. Walking the walk, skipping the talk, not even singing a song, just another step, all night long. Getting to where I’m going, one step at a time, first this, then another and another. But, dear friend. Take time to smell the daisies. Every day. Take it in, before you take another step.

    Hopeful: 24058 (20240620) – Hope. It is said that this is the last feeling that leaves a human being. Well, I do not know about that, but I do know the power of hope. I do know how it can start as something small. I do know how it can grow, change, and take you on a ride that you did not expect. I also know that hope is not easily put out. And even if I often say: stay curious, with this track, I’d like to say; stay hopeful! <3

    Joyful: 24059 (20240623) – Well, joy, just as hope, a very strong power. A lot of energy in joy. Now, you might expect from this track that it would be full of energy, happiness bursting through every note. But it’s not. I mean, I do not blame you if that is what you expect. It’s only that in order to feel joy, to be truly joyful, there has to be a counterpoint, so you can compare you joy against something. I guess this is one of those tracks that could act as a counterpoint. Equally important.

    Mindful: 24060 (20240626) – I must say, it is rare that I reuse sounds from one track to another, except for the challenge in the challenge that I had before in the 24123-project. But for this track, I have reused all the sounds from the previous track, except the drums, those sounds I changed. And also, I’ve added some more sounds to the new track. I hope you don’t mind. I do not. I’m very mindful and deliberate of these choices. And speaking of Mindful, it is kind of meditative as well, don’t you think?

    I care: 24061 (20240629) – I care, I really do. About a lot of things. Yet, despite caring, things do not always go the way we expect. Nor did this track. I had a totally different idea, but the journey took me in directions that I did not expect at all. And here it goes.

  • Special II: 24042 (20240503) – Ok, so this is special too. Right? Already in may, as it may be. Figured that I’d combine things that does not come naturally to mind. If you don’t mind? I didn’t. Mind that is. Because I did. Combine things that does not come naturally to mind. With me?

    Ordinary legend: 24043 (20240506) – So, odd coincidence or faith? This track was composed, arranged and produced on the night between my last day as a 42-year-old and my 43rd birthday. Cool thing to mention. I have to confess, I wish I had planed it, but I did not. Ok, back to the track… how do you take something legendary and make it ordinary, or the other way around? Take something ordinary and make it a legend? Obviously, both perspectives offer their challenges, but that did not keep me from trying.

    Amuse the muse: 24044 (20240509) – Phew, this track. As awesome as it is, it is also amusingly long. Close to 8 minutes. It took time to tell this tale, to explain how to amuse the muse. The entire story, in tender steps, each in detail. Tender steps, yet powerful. No doubt. And I take great pride in this! I really want to Amuse the muse. And you.

    Lighting Lightning: 24045 (20240512) – Ok, so, lightning. All powerful, potentially destructive. Who would ever think about lighting lightning, except maybe Thor? Well, I figure, that if this were to be done. You should tread carefully into the deed. Deliberate, perhaps with gentle power. Then, the next stage, harness and build up the tension. Still deliberate. Still gentle. Then, as power builds, it is time to back away, before it is being released. Still gentle, still deliberate. Then just wait and observe.

    A Cow Moose: 24046 (20240515) – Cow. Moose. Two different animals. To my knowledge anyway. Perhaps it is an elaborate scheme that one despises as the other just to fool us? I mean. When we talk about Cow’s, they are almost telling us. Don’t you think? Moose. A Cow Moose. Because it does? Perhaps.

    Senior Newbie: 24047 (20240518) – Ok, so, the next two tracks originates from a recorded concert I watched. John Williams and the Berlin Philharmonics, playing everything from Harry Potter to Star Wars. John Williams is a legend. I am a huge fan! Not only do I enjoy the craftsmanship of the music itself, but I love movies and the way that music (and sound) contribute to the entirety of the movie. Contribute to telling the story. Anyway. So, I was watching this fabulous concert. And I got two thoughts. 1. (This track) – What if there, in the orchestra (in my case electronic synths), among all the gifted musicians who have spent thousands of hours to practice their instrument and master it, where two oddities. One like rebel, playing what it is supposed to, but perhaps not exactly what it says in the notes, nor precisely according to the conductor. The other a defiant 3-year-old who just want to do what ever they feel like in the moment. How would that situation unfold and what effect would it have on the entire musical piece. This is what I attempt to explore here.

    Curious 4 life: 24048 (20240521) – 2. The second thought I got from above mentioned concert was, what if each member of the orchestra just chose a random note to begin with. At a tempo of their choosing. And one after one just falling in line, mending towards the will of the conductor and start to contribute to the greater picture. Starting in chaos, and from that chaos, order slowly emerging. Again, I do not have an orchestra, but very willing synths. But they lack a will of their own, so I have to tell them. And to ensure chaos, I enlisted a randomizer to give me a set of numbers for each synth. First random selection was between 1-12, selecting what note to play. Second was 0-7 selecting what octave to use. And third, I’ve decided the first part of the track into 32 pieces, to get each synth a selection between 1-32 to see how long that particular sound would stay in chaos before thriving for order. Now, to maintain chaos, the random sequences of numbers were selected for each synth the amount of times the 1-32 showed. Thus a huge amount of random selections helped creating chaos, and from that randomly created chaos, order emerges. At least, that was the plan. I had to change it. Some of the random numbers between 1-32 that was supposed to set the duration of chaos was to few, the chaos was to short, so I over ruled the random numbers and made the chaos part 32 parts long for all synths, then… slowly… a different kind of structured chaos… that slowly sorts out, moving towards order.

    Goat got oat: 24049 (20240524) – Yeah, right, so, title mismatch, or something. This track got nothing with goats or oat to do. Hard to say what it is about. All I really can say is that I enjoy it a lot. Or, if I should try to connect it to the track title, a loat!

    Equal and unique: 24050 (20240527) – Yes, we are all equal. No doubt in my mind. And also, totally unique, no doubt in my mind there either. Equal could mean the same. But that would make the unique part untrue. And I hold them both as equally true. Which means that equal cannot mean the same. It has to mean something else.

    Hello, how are you?: 24051 (20240530) – Seeing someone for the first time. It might start a little slow, before a clear break in the fumbling conversation, where it just clicks. Then fascination. You just hit it off. That feeling. Composed by various elements. The basic structure is three different rhythmic sounds from different sources combined to the harmony of the track. I think it makes a great foundation to this track.

    Well, folks, this is it for the May releases of the 24123-project!

    I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

  • Before we jump into the tracks. Here is a nice feature. Only in April – a challenge within the challenge.

    As I create the first track, I need to select one sound in that track that need so be used in the second track. Exactly as it is, no further tweaks, no changes in effects, just playing a different melody or rhythm. And from the second track, I need to choose another sound that needs to be used in the third track, and so on. Leaving a link between all the 24123 April releases. Fun! Yay! Crazy? Yay! Let’s do this!

    Unique copy – 24032 (20240403): Slow-going, nice and easy. Yet an underlaying energy building up. This is the first one out this month. So this does not have any inherited sounds in it, all new. From scratch. And it is unique. In a way. And probably a copy in another way. But this is my copy. And that makes it unique. A unique copy.

    Desert the dessert in the desert – 24033 (20240406): The first sound that opens up this track is inherited from the previous. Step one done. Now, as for eating a dessert in the desert. Well, why not? But to give it up amongst the sand? Who would do such a thing?

    Vault – 24034 (20240409): Care to lock something inside the vault? To you it might be clear and safe, keeping something in a safe. To others it is a little mysterious, out of reach.

    Typing Monkey – 24035 (20240412): Have you heard about the infinite monkey theorem? It is a math thing with probability. When I heard it the first time, it was overwhelming. And the image of a monkey in front of a typewriter (yeah, the old fashion kind), that image stuck. And now, it surfaces as a track. This could very well be the musical representation of a typing monkey. Or something completely different that takes shape in your mind. But I like the monkey image, so I’ll stick with that.

    Repeat – 24036 (20240415): A little thing, repeating. On repeat. Come to think of it, it is a good description for all Muddhedd tracks. But this in particular, since it is its name. I think it is a powerful thing, repeat. And I talk about the track. And I know it is said about knowledge as well, that you need to repeat to truly learn.

    Hunger – 24037 (20240418): Really low bass, and distorted as, well a distorted bass. Tones that does not really match, or add up to what they are supposed to. And the drums. Not a loop, but it sure could be one. This entire track is the representation of hunger. Tempted hunger with what you crave within reach, yet just not.

    Mushroom room – 24038 (20240421): Imagine being hungry. Then enter a room full of mushrooms. Mushrooms from floor to roof. Everywhere. Oh, and regarding the track. The sounds of this track, with one exception, is exactly the same as the previous track, except for one in that too.

    Grow up (Naah!) – 24039 (20240424): In general, I do not spend much time or focus on Grow(ing) up, except when I enter the world of Italian plumbing. Then it is actually one of my first missions in life. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am all for grow(ing) up, but I personally do not spend much effort on doing so, I am far to curious on other things.

    Glow up (Yay!) – 24040 (20240427): Ok, so, same drum sounds, same rhythm, same, same, same! Bass. Same, same, same. But different! And… you need to go slow to glow! In this track that is! To get the glow worthy of a lovers eyes, lumos spells, illuminate or the setting sun reflecting in the water, I figured the sounds alone could not make it, I needed to slow the beat down. Not much, but definitely slower than the previous! So, it’s time to shine! Glow up (Yay!)

    Soft smile – 24041 (20240430): Alright. Can a smile be heard? I mean, sure, muscles in the general area of the mouth are activated, but I do not believe that activating muscles generate a hearable sound. Yet, some how, don’t ask me how, I also believe that you can talk to a person on the phone, without having any visual contact, and yet hear that person smile. What does that rambling have to do with this track? Well, I figured, if you can hear a smile through the phone, perhaps you can sense my soft smile while I was making this track?

    Question for you! Did you find the sound that leaps from one track to the next?

  • I’ve longed for Japanese listeners to find Muddhedd, and I am thrilled to say that at least one has found me.

    Kuwazu is on the east coast, facing the Pacific Ocean, and amongst the nice things with Kuwazu is that it has hot springs, which naturally is a tourist magnet and part of the local economy.

  • Located north of Paris, it has a population of about 45 000. It has old roots, and is believed to have been founded in pre-Roman times. It grew quickly in the end of Napoleons reign. And due to the proximity to Paris, it was a popular country destination to visit.
