• Being mentioned in the M3rqrie-book series is a privilege. This was planned as a joint release, the 4th book (Ph3nix) and this EP scheduled for the 7th July 2023. Unfortunately, the book release was delayed. Creativity cannot (and should not) be forced.

    Even if the joint release did not happen as planned, the book is available in paperback (ISBN: 9789180573764) and ebook (ISBN: 9789180805704). Hope you’ll enjoy both the EP and the book!

    1. N3v3r!and
    2. !y
    3. 914D00m
    4. Ph3nix

    About M3rqrie

    N3v3r!and – A slow progression towards an unknown goal, hidden in plain sight. Once there, is it what it seemed? Or what is it really?

    !y – It is tension. From the start. To the end. It is slow, it is not slow, it is soft, it is hard. It is a kind of attitude that breathes confidence with focused energy.

    914D00m – Analog, analog, analog. Yet modern. Perhaps not the cleanest sound. Perhaps not the most clear space between each sound. But you know how it can be! Sometimes things are just tangled up in each other. For good and for bad.

    Ph3nix – An exploration, nearby, in familiar grounds. Just around the corner. Discovering new old things. Being. Connecting.

  • Tracks:

    1. 2121
    2. 42=19
    3. 8119
    4. #23


    2121 – Since this EP is all about numbers, I wanted to make each number count as much as possible. My first thought was that this track should be 2 minutes and 12,1 seconds long. But the song was simply not done by then, so I figured that I needed to double it, so it ended up being 4 minutes and 24 seconds.

    42=19 – In below dialog there is the Interviewer (I) and Muddhedd (M).

    I: So, you do not seem to good at math, right?

    M: I’m sorry, but from my perspective it is you who are not good at math.

    I: How so? Everybody knows that 42 is not equal to 19.

    M: Then you’ve just confirmed my statement, you are not good at math.

    I: Explain. I don’t understand.

    M: The magic is the equals sign.

    I: I am confused.

    M: The equals sign means that what is on one side of it is exactly the same as the thing on the other side of it.

    I: But it not!

    M: Not if you see it as numbers alone, but since there is an equals sign, that means it has to be the same on each side, which is why it is safe to assume that what you read as numbers are in fact representations of something else.

    I: So, the 42 and the 19 is not actually 42 and 19?

    M: Exactly.

    I: Then, what is it?

    M: A representation of something else.

    8119 – another play with numbers on the same theme. And in this track, two sounds swap places. Kind of. Can you tell which ones?

    #23 – This title is a riddle, can you solve it? The track gives no clues, it is just another track.


  • 1. The gift
    2. Here you go
    3. Another collection
    4. New gets old
    5. Key
    6. Underdog
    7. 4ever
    8. Yoga
    9. Obtainable
    10. Unexpressed
    11. Relay
    12. Trust
    13. Incoherent response
    14. Mutual response
    15. Echoes


    The gift – Slow and soft start of this album. It begins with the gift. Given to you. Then it’s you, giving your time as a gift in return.
    Here you go – Annoying sound kicks it off, followed by a real 90’s bass sound, and heavy drums-sounds in a slowish beat. Here you go!
    Another collection – Another collection of sounds, stacked on top of each other, separated, merged, mixed. Could be another used sound collection at a local thrift-shop.
    New gets old – Even a broken sound can be used as the main melody, and at the same time as something else. Old gets reused and turned into something new, then, as time passes, new gets old.
    Key – which key would this be? I believe just one. No specific, just a key, not the key. Not a major key, nor is it a minor key. I don’t see how it could be. But not B. And even if I don’t see, it still is. And yes, it is a minor key, even if it is not.
    Underdog – Sometimes, it is the underdog that wins the fight, in this case, the underdog starts, gets pushed away for a big portion of the track, but in the end it triumphs once again!
    4ever – What lasts forever? Well, nothing and everything. Energy can not be destroyed, only transformed. The energy in this track is also transformed. Ever so slightly. The duration of this track, however, is not forever, just about 3:21. Like in 3-2-1-go!
    Yoga – Yoga, this amazing practice! It makes wonders, at least for me. It makes me explore the things within, find my physical limits, work with them, slow, mellow, in harmony.
    Obtainable – You know the feeling when things are just without reach? But with a little extra energy, you get that well needed push to get there? The obstacle removed, making it obtainable. That. In a track. Obtainable. The energy push. Focused.
    Unexpressed – Oh, you know when you have something to say, but you just can’t find the words… they are there, on the tip of the tung, but just out of reach… Like that, this track is like that… It’s like I have no other way to say it, but still it is not the right words to express it…
    Relay – In the old days (pre wired phone) it was common for messages that travelled a long way to be relayed through various communications routes. Each point repeating what it got from the previous point, until it reached its destination. Nowadays, it is a completely different thing. But as the relay echoes through time, this is a salute to all those who walked before us, making today possible with their contribution. As they did, we relay our contribution to future generations, as our echos continues through time.
    Trust – In this track, I had to have trust. Trust in my creative force. Trust in my ears. Trust in me. And, of course, trust in you.
    Incoherent response – Sometimes you get a response you do not expect, nor understand. Yet somehow, it makes sense. Perhaps not right away, perhaps not in a way that the response was originally intended. But in its own way. Like the first sound in this track, like the bass sound in this track. Perhaps not right, right away, but it still makes kind of sense. On its own way.
    Mutual response – The feeling when it just clicks. When there is a connection that goes beyond words, beyond communication. When things are just right.
    Echoes – There must be a sound for an echo to return, there must be flat surface for the sound to reflect and head its way back where it came from. Like so.

  • Scarey place to live, at least if you are afraid of vulcanos! There are not less then 53 known vulcanos near Auckland. However, the last known eruption was about 1450, over 500 years ago.

    In Auckland you can also find Rainbow’s end. Not litteraly, but still litterally. It is the name of an amusement park.

  • This is the home of many, but three musically talanted people stand out in the crowd. Bryan Adams, Sarah McLachlan and Michael Bublé.

    The city has also passed a strategy for Zero Waste by 2040. Well done, Vancouver!

  • The second largest city in Italy, after Rome. It is a place that has been inhabited for a very long time, at least since 600 BC.

    Here is where the Opera Turandot by Puccini premiered in 1926, and in 1972 Charlie Chaplin was awarded honorary citizenship.

  • Another city with Muddhedd listeners with a connection to Dan Brown, this time it is the book Inferno.

    And understandably so, Istanbul is a most interesting city. Merged by different times and cultures. I dare to say that Istanbul is truly one of a kind with few places that can match its historic intensity.

  • The first baby born as a result of IVF was born in Oldham.

    …and on a different note, one of the members of Take That, Mark Owen, is from Oldham.

  • Sagrada Família, built by Antoni Gaudi is located in Barcelona, and it is also part of Dan Browns book “Origin”.

  • There is a big heavy metall band in Germany called Rage. Their lead singer, and bassist, Peavy Wagner, comes from Herne.

    Another fun fact is that the second biggest funfair in Germany is located in Herne. It is called Cranger Kirmes.
