Hamm is the end of the Dattein-Hamm-Kanal, and it is also an important railroad hub. It was heavily bombarded during the second world war, and about 60% of the historic buildings in the old city was destroyed.
It is a district in Copenhagen (capital of Denmark). It has featured in the Can Morrison song Vanlose Stairways, that was written when he lived there with his Danish girlfriend in the early 80s.
Elephants: 24021 (20240301) – So, I bet you are wondering what the connection between the track and the title is. Normally, there is, sometimes a far fetched, but still a connection. To be honest, I am wondering that to at the moment. The only vague connection I can come to think of is that I like this track, and I’ve never met an elephant, but I think I like them. I mean, they look kind of cute in pictures. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the closest I come to finding a connection between this track and its title. So you just need to accept this one without questions. And if you do have questions, I need you to provide the answer yourself, because I do not have it. I guess that would count as the elephant in the room?
Desire: 24022 (20240304) – I like the taste of that word, desire. To me, it contains expectation, longing, unknown, yearning. It is a nice and positive feeling whom I like very much. And enjoy occasionally. It is a good feeling. As is this track. It is a good feeling.
Maintain: 24023 (20240307) – The first sound, tone, note and rhythm is maintained through out the track. This is what maintain is about. And it is a funny looking word, maintain. Three repeating letters with different letters in front of them. I like the look of this word. I like this track. I hope you will enjoy it as well.
Special: 24024 (20240310) – Oh, this is Special. Oh, so, special! I mean, look at the number! It is beautiful! And as a tribute, this track is 4:24!
Locomotive: 24025 (20240313) – Locomotive, always pulling forward, going first. Following the track. Taking the heavy load. Despite the scenery around, alway working towards the next station. And then the next. Always. Determination. Getting to the destination. Got to respect that!
Steam train: 24026 (20240316) – Alright, if you can hear the steam train, raise your hand! (I raised mine!) This is a journey through various scenery. From crowded industrial cities to open dessert and difficult climbed over mountains. All the while, the journey continues onward. Eventually, the journey of the steam train ends. But oh, what a journey!
Continous stream: 24027 (20240319) – A stream. It could be a continuous stream, but this is not a continuous stream, this is Continous Stream. What is the difference you might wonder? Is it merely a simple miss-spelling of the word? Perhaps, or there is a deeper meaning below the surface of the stream. Hidden in its depth. For me to know, for you to wonder about. But I can safely tell you, as Groll states several times (character from the book The Last White Witch), there is always more than meets the eye!
Flow in a go: 24028 (20240322) – Yes, oddly enough, there is a part an and a part b on this track. Would it not count as two tracks then? Noop. Not in my book. Not this time at least. To me this is one track in two parts. The track then. One or two. Either way. It is a simple melody, simple in its rhythm and it is a positive flow. Takes my thoughts to a sprinkle of ancient asian melodies. Not the arrangement itself, but the first melody. Powerful in its simplicity.
Fountain: 24029 (20240325) – A fountain, pouring water. On the surface, it looks nice and simple, playful. But beneath it all is some serious ingenuity. Just to get it to work, and artistic features to make it look nice. It is indeed a masterpiece. And it spreads joy. As does this track, I hope. I give you Fountain.
Mountain: 24030 (20240328) – Mountain, big, deep foundation. Steep climbs and flat surfaces. Harsh environment combined with marvelous green vegetation zones. Another marvel on this planet! I hope I’ve made the mountains proud with this track. Respect!
Like nothing else: 24031 (20240331) – Ok, so first thing first. Is this Like nothing else like in I am not fond of anything other then, or is it Like nothing else like unlike everything else? Or is it both? Could it be both? Is it even possible? Perhaps. This track, however, is very possible. And it is hereby presented to you! Once it arrives and gets available for your ears. I hope you like it, like you like other things. And don’t get me wrong, there is absolutely no exclusive liking implied in the title, even if it may seem like it. Like that.
Simple joy: 24012 (20240203) – Arpeggiated synth sounds with a lot of noise at its best! Makes interesting “beats” and rhythms without actually applying any drums or drum sounds. 8 Max production going down to just maximum of 5 sound sourses. Each one only playing just one note at the time. Simple. Joy.
Levitater: 24013 (20240206) – Could this be classic Muddhedd? Does it even exist such a thing as a classic Muddhedd track, or style? If it does, I guess this could be close to it, at least style. I am levitating along with the track. Safe high. High five on that? Any takers?
Air: 24014 (20240209) – Going from levetating to Air. Bold move? Don’t think so, understand the association I do, like a wise master would have put it. What about Air then? This is truly a wired track, even considering that it is a Muddhedd track. The shift in tempo are supposed to be like when you inflate something, and then suddenly, you find that the air slipping out somewhere. Then you inflate it again, and again, and it holds for a while, but eventually, all the air slips out.
Water: 24015 (20240212) – Water. This brilliant thing. Heaviest at plus 4 degrees celsius. The true cradle of life on this planet. The key in many aspects. But ask anyone that lives close to the water, as life giving as it is, as treacherous. Here, in this track, it is represented with doing a harmony with both minor and major third within the same harmony. Just one tiny tone, giving the entire track a sneaky feeling. In my opinion at least. Normally, I tend to create space for each sound, cut frequencies away, but on this track, like on Wind a little further down, I did not. Water tends to blend with itself and fill everything up, so I let the sounds blend heavier than I would normally do.
Soil: 24016 (20240215) – Also life-giving. In its own way. Perhaps something we all take for granted in a way or another. To me, soil is magic. Pure magic. Put a seed in there, add water and sunlight, then you get a plant. How cool is that? Supercool, which is why Soil should have its own track. And this is it!
Fire: 24017 (20240218) – Aggressive and consuming. Slowly progressing and changing ever so slightly, depending on what it consumes. And when you think it will fade a little more, it seems to get new fuel and becomes more intense, yet again. But eventually. It fades. It consumed everything in its way, and ironically kills itself in the process.
Wind: 24018 (20240221) – A slow and soft breeze at first, then gaining in strength, gaining in force. Taking a step back. And hit again, with more power. As with water, the Wind fills everything, there’s no escaping it. So the sounds in this track are left as they are when it comes to limiting them or cutting them. They are left to blend and add more intensity to each other. Ladies and Gentlemen, Wind.
Iron: 24019 (20240224) – In all honesty, I do not know anything about working with iron. But I imagine it is a slow process. And it needs to take time. It needs to be precise, it needs the right amount of heat. It requires time to be molded into the desired shape. And it is all precision work. No step can be skipped. Each step is needed to be exact and well performed before the next step can be taken. Now, that is what I want to this track to be about. It is what it is about. Iron. Slow progress with a lot of energy and precision.
House of Gods: 24020 (20240227) – Honest to God. I have not been in any house of God. I’ve been in many different churches, which is probably the closest I’ve come so far. I know about the House of One in Berlin, but this track does not refer to that house. No, House of Gods is more like the halls of Valhalla or on Olympus. A house for many Gods, where they feast, relax and enjoy themselves. It is built on a strong foundation, but as the inhabitants moods changes, so does the House. It adapts, it evolves. This is my vision of House of Gods. In a track.
So, here is the January releases of the 24123 challenge.
First one out – 24001 (20240101) – Needed (according to me) to start with something special, since it is the first one out for the 24123 challenge. One thing that makes this track special is that it is 3 minutes 33 seconds. It also is a little goofy in its rhythm (again according to me). Likable goofy. Catchy goofy. Diggable goofy. A good track to be the First one out!
Scary challenge: 24002 (20240104) – Indeed, scary! Some hesitation. But also a determination. I will get through it! I have my eyes set on the goal. There is only one way to get there. One. Step. At. The. Time.
Outside of comfortzone: 24003 (20240107) – Truly outside of my comfort zone! But I’ve heard that it’s when you leave your comfort zone that you can grow. So, this is me growing. Making something that does not feel completely comfortable, and I am not talking sound-wise, I am talking rhythmical. This is a little off, according to my senses. Yet, oddly, fit together in a quirky way. Any lessons learned? Well, I think this is one of those things that I need time to gain perspective. Meanwhile, enjoy this track!
Trust myself: 24004 (20240110) – Ok, so odd coincidence! As I named this track, before I even started making it, I was not aware that half way through production of it (December 2022) Top Gun Maverick would be released on a streaming service I currently use. As it released, I watched it for a second time (caught it at the cinema the first time), I found myself with a peculiar perspective, and it goes as follows. A triad of the character Maverick (played by Tom Cruise), the entire movie production of Top Gun Maverick and Muddhedd.
Let’s start with the character Maverick. A pilot, not just any pilot, an amazingly skilled pilot, in his true element inside a plane. “Don’t think, just do.” A pilot that needs to feel and know the plane, inside out, work with it and be one with it. Each flight a perfect serenade, from start to landing. A million things working together to make the flight, ingenuity and creativity to build and maintain a plane, and the skills of a pilot to commender it.
The same goes for the movie production of that movie, or any other movie for that matter. A lot of individual things, places and not to mention people, that need to work together as a fine-tuned machinery in order to create the end product. Nothing along the way, from start to finish, is overlooked, or too small to have an impact. Details that need tending and tuned, reworked as the production moves forward, and in the end, a lot of work to complete the movie by working through all the material and create one picture of all the different (available) pieces.
A Muddhedd track is much the same as both a movie-production and a flight. Muddhedd is the entire movie-crew, the skilled pilot and the ground personell to take care of the plane and pilot and all that surrounds the flight. Now, creating a Muddhedd track is nothing compared to both a successful flight or a brilliant movie, but it is basically the same process, details that need to work together as part of a bigger picture, part of a machinery that is dependent on each individual part performing at full capacity. At its best.
Trust the process: 24005 (20240113) – As the process progresses, the music evolves. Yet it builds on everything that has come before it. It is nice that way, that each step always leads to a new. This track quickly became one of my own favorite tracks! It will be hard for me to let this track go, to back up all the files, and then wait, for a little over a year before it is released, but I figure, it will be a nice reunion at the 13th of January 2024. See you then! Or rather, hear you then!
Trust the machinery: 24006 (20240116) – The first sound that is introduced is going around in a circle, it start far back, then moves forward to the right to come almost all the way right in front of you, and then, it starts its way backwards and to the left before centering far back again. Like part of a machinery. The other parts of this track is also part of a machinery.
B(ey)ond: 24007 (20240119) – Perhaps stating the obvious, referens to the famous double oh. But this goes beyond that. This is a track with its own destination, far beyond, to where I do not know, but I can feel it leaves this realm.
I’ve got this: 24008 (20240122) – Feels really good to have started this whole escapade! Sometimes it feels like I want to escape this escapade, but I have started it, and I will continue! This is my journey, and I have invited you to tag along. So, if you don’t mind, I’d really like to have your company and support. I’ve got this, no doubt in my mind, but sometimes it’s nice with some company. So, thank you for tagging along!
Well on the way: 24009 (20240125) – I am well on the way! Feels like a soft journey, mellow, yet hopeful. No stress. Everything just fits together. Feels nice. Comfortable. Yeah. I like this! Hope you do to!
Oh, and if goosebumps don’t lie. Then this is true!
I believe: 24010 (20240128) – I believe, that it only takes a baseline, some drums and three elements containing the same notes, but different melodies and rhythms, to create a track. I believe this, because I just did it.
Everything is energy: 24011 (20240131) – I like this one. Happy track. With nice rhythm and deep bass. Classic Muddhedd. Another classic Muddhedd is the change in melody (which sometimes is adding another element) late in the track. The change makes it happier still. In my humble opinion. What do you think?
A footnote. Perhaps you are one of those who spotted it directly, perhaps it was something that you ignored, or did not notice at all. To me it is important to point out. In the title of 24003, there are a space “missing”. It is intentional. To me, when I am outside of my comfort zone, space tends to shrink rapidly. Figured this could be exciting trivia to some, and completely useless to others. Either way, here you got it! …and rest assure, I am working on it!
So, why another little pile of tracks?
Well, I did not feel comfortable with leaving 2023 with 105 tracks. Figured it was an odd number to round off the year with. So, here is another six tracks. Another Little Pile of Tracks.
- Let’s do this
- Phases
- Omnidirectional
- Teatime without lemons
- XT-Ra 1
- XT-Ra 2
Let’s do this – Ok, so, let’s do this, rounding off 2023 with style. Synth style.
Phases – Life has phases, the sounds in this track is run through a phaser. So I guess this means we’re in phase? Yes?
Omnidirectional – I needed a name on this track that started with O. For some unknown reason, the first word that came to mind, was omnidirectional. What kind of word is that? Well. It was exciting, and challenging. Figured I’d need to make the most out of it to get the track to be omnidirectional as well. What do you think? Did I do it? I think so!
Teatime without lemon – When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade! And when you’ve used the lemon to make lemonade, it’s time for teatime! And since you’re all out of lemon, well, it’s teatime without lemon.
XT-Ra 1 – Ok, so, bass warning. Heavy bass warning. Nice!
I like it a lot! More please! Oh yeah, this track, 110 BPM.
XT-Ra 2 – And this track, 111 BPM. And. As a bonus. 1 minute 11 seconds. Go figure! Happy little thing! No, I did not call you a thing, you are a person. It was the track I meant, happy little thing at the end of a little pile of tracks.
1. Such is life when life is such
2. Again and again
3. Grateful for you
4. Artifact
5. Even God knows
6. Venom in my vains
7. Bus stop
8. Unfriendly
9. Freak in the mirror
10. Open
11. Reason
12. Evacuate
13. Viral
14. Rubic
15. Hundred Twenty Three
16. Bigtime
17. Ornament
18. Nugget
19. Ureqa
20. So long and thanks for 23About
Such is life when life is such – What about this track? Well, synth fever! Or just synth! Oh, I like those synth-sounds. Especially the heavy bass sounds. And kicks. Deep kicks. So, throw them in to a track and see what happens? Well, this. This is what happened.Again and again – Sometimes I miss gaming. Alot. But. When you create music, and you can tweak anything to your liking, you can create what ever you like, like music suitable for a game. Perhaps a game that you can play again and again?
Grateful for you – Remember the Roland 303? I do! But I also like other sounds. Sometimes it is nice just stacking them. Feeling the rhythm of it. Taking it slow. One step at a time. Building something. But to get back to the 303, I am grateful for you!
Artifact – The melody in this track is essentially not an ordinary melody sound. It has various artifacts in it, hisses and well, take a listen for yourself. Liked it so much so I added artifacts to some of the other sounds with psycho acoustic effects. I really enjoy the end result of the artifacts. Nicely destroyed the original sounds, giving them new life and character.
Even God knows – Kind of opposite to Who knows, nobody knows. (Or Whose nose, nobody’s nose.) This track is a celebration to my liking of structure and order. And what way to celebrate just that simply without it? Common ways of building tracks is keeping even numbers, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32. Repeat patterns. Even I do it, but perhaps not in a very common way. But this, noooo… no particular pattern or repeating of them. Just about, but not exactly.
Venom in my vains – I know what you are thinking. Venom, it is another word for poison, and if there is poison in my veins, it is no doubt a bad thing. I agree with the way you think. But I did not create this track as a bad thing. I created it as something that would get under my skin, into my veins. Fill me. Make me a safe kind of high. As I do sometimes, I wait for about half the track before introducing the final element. This is one of those tracks. And to me, it is no doubt worth waiting for. The venom in my vains.
Bus stop – I commute to work. And as I get off the train in Helsingborg, I go outside the station to the bus stop. And from there I have a great view to the other side of the street where there is a… bus stop. Buses come and go. Like an endless train, except that it is not a train, it is buses, stoping at the bus stop.
Unfriendly – Sometimes life can be unfriendly, heck, sometimes I can be unfriendly, especially towards myself. No, scratch that. Only to myself. Toward others, I always try to be friendly (no guarantee that I always succeed though)! For the times life is unfriendly and hard on you, harvest the energy and make something out of it. Like a track.
Freak in the mirror – I am not gonna lie. Perhaps you have a nice image of yourself. I do not. Most often, I am balanced, in peace, then I have a nice reflection in the mirror. Then, every now and then, something upsets my balance. Darker forces move within me. At those times, it is easy for me to look in the mirror, and see a freak. And over the years, I have learned that when that happens, the best thing I can do is to face that feeling with warmth and kindness towards myself. Yes, perhaps I see a freak in the mirror, but it is also me. A side of me that arises now and again. It is a side that needs love, needs tending. I can give that love and compassion to myself, I need to give it to myself. So, if you thought, by the title that this would be a hard and aggressive track, you were right, but I changed my mind, my mindset, and gave myself love and hope instead. It became a happy track. For me.
Open – or closed? Or is it the interpretation of this track that remains open? Well, it is, as always, up to you!
Reason – Reason, I need Reason! It is my primary tool! Without it, I would have no Reason, and there would be no Muddhedd. Or perhaps it would. With a different tool. But now, the reason for Muddhedd is Reason with the simple answer that there needs to be Reason with Muddhedd.
Evacuate – you know when you hang around in a space ship, and out of the blue (or black), the alarm start sounding, something is wrong, you need to go… the adrenaline kicks in… the alarm keeps sounding around you, as you make your way to the escape pods. Kind of like that, except, hopefully, you are not on a space ship, and if you are, I hope the alarm doesn’t go off!
Viral – This bassline stuck with me, it went viral in my head. It had to be born into this world. Perhaps it will go viral in your mind as well, perhaps not. But I’m glad it is out here, rather than just in my head.
Rubic – The famous, to me unsolvable, cube. Six sides, all different colors. I doubt that I would be able to solve it in any other way than all sides being the same color. Perhaps it is a patience thing, perhaps the key is something completely different. But I salut you, unsolvable cube!
Hundred Twenty Three – Oh, how nice to be able to make this track! The 100th track to release in 2023. Completely unexpected, yet very welcome! It is a little happy dance within me! A great pat on my own back! Yay! <3
Bigtime – Bigtime, big sounds. Big everything. And also nice. Nicetime. I float away when listening to this track. Almost leaving orbit. Or perhaps launches myself into orbit. Unclear. Nicetime, bigtime!
Ornament – a word I never use, but now, I needed a track name on the letter O – and this was, oddly enough, the first word that popped up in my mind. Don’t ask me why, although I am probably the only one who could possibly provide an answer. But I can’t, so you just get to enjoy this ornament. Whatever it is!
Nugget – Warning for heavy kick drum and deep bass! Just the way I like it! And perhaps not the most used notes or scale. But I works, keeps things interesting! Enjoy!
Ureqa – Is it possible to use two different pianos, and a few synth sounds, and make a track out of it? Obviously! And as a bonus I have thrown in some beats as well!
So long and thanks for 23 – How do you say goodbye to 2023 when the next track is due in a few days? Well, with sounds and elements that you might recognize from before of course! With an energy beat to keep you going until the 1st of January 2024 when the first 24123-track is released. The beat will keep you going until then, I hope! <3
Being mentioned in the M3rqrie-book series is a privilege. This was planned as a joint release, the 4th book (Ph3nix) and this EP scheduled for the 7th July 2023. Unfortunately, the book release was delayed. Creativity cannot (and should not) be forced.
Even if the joint release did not happen as planned, the book is available in paperback (ISBN: 9789180573764) and ebook (ISBN: 9789180805704). Hope you’ll enjoy both the EP and the book!
- N3v3r!and
- !y
- 914D00m
- Ph3nix
About M3rqrie
N3v3r!and – A slow progression towards an unknown goal, hidden in plain sight. Once there, is it what it seemed? Or what is it really?
!y – It is tension. From the start. To the end. It is slow, it is not slow, it is soft, it is hard. It is a kind of attitude that breathes confidence with focused energy.
914D00m – Analog, analog, analog. Yet modern. Perhaps not the cleanest sound. Perhaps not the most clear space between each sound. But you know how it can be! Sometimes things are just tangled up in each other. For good and for bad.
Ph3nix – An exploration, nearby, in familiar grounds. Just around the corner. Discovering new old things. Being. Connecting.
- 2121
- 42=19
- 8119
- #23
2121 – Since this EP is all about numbers, I wanted to make each number count as much as possible. My first thought was that this track should be 2 minutes and 12,1 seconds long. But the song was simply not done by then, so I figured that I needed to double it, so it ended up being 4 minutes and 24 seconds.
42=19 – In below dialog there is the Interviewer (I) and Muddhedd (M).
I: So, you do not seem to good at math, right?
M: I’m sorry, but from my perspective it is you who are not good at math.
I: How so? Everybody knows that 42 is not equal to 19.
M: Then you’ve just confirmed my statement, you are not good at math.
I: Explain. I don’t understand.
M: The magic is the equals sign.
I: I am confused.
M: The equals sign means that what is on one side of it is exactly the same as the thing on the other side of it.
I: But it not!
M: Not if you see it as numbers alone, but since there is an equals sign, that means it has to be the same on each side, which is why it is safe to assume that what you read as numbers are in fact representations of something else.
I: So, the 42 and the 19 is not actually 42 and 19?
M: Exactly.
I: Then, what is it?
M: A representation of something else.
8119 – another play with numbers on the same theme. And in this track, two sounds swap places. Kind of. Can you tell which ones?
#23 – This title is a riddle, can you solve it? The track gives no clues, it is just another track.
1. The gift
2. Here you go
3. Another collection
4. New gets old
5. Key
6. Underdog
7. 4ever
8. Yoga
9. Obtainable
10. Unexpressed
11. Relay
12. Trust
13. Incoherent response
14. Mutual response
15. EchoesAbout.
The gift – Slow and soft start of this album. It begins with the gift. Given to you. Then it’s you, giving your time as a gift in return.
Here you go – Annoying sound kicks it off, followed by a real 90’s bass sound, and heavy drums-sounds in a slowish beat. Here you go!
Another collection – Another collection of sounds, stacked on top of each other, separated, merged, mixed. Could be another used sound collection at a local thrift-shop.
New gets old – Even a broken sound can be used as the main melody, and at the same time as something else. Old gets reused and turned into something new, then, as time passes, new gets old.
Key – which key would this be? I believe just one. No specific, just a key, not the key. Not a major key, nor is it a minor key. I don’t see how it could be. But not B. And even if I don’t see, it still is. And yes, it is a minor key, even if it is not.
Underdog – Sometimes, it is the underdog that wins the fight, in this case, the underdog starts, gets pushed away for a big portion of the track, but in the end it triumphs once again!
4ever – What lasts forever? Well, nothing and everything. Energy can not be destroyed, only transformed. The energy in this track is also transformed. Ever so slightly. The duration of this track, however, is not forever, just about 3:21. Like in 3-2-1-go!
Yoga – Yoga, this amazing practice! It makes wonders, at least for me. It makes me explore the things within, find my physical limits, work with them, slow, mellow, in harmony.
Obtainable – You know the feeling when things are just without reach? But with a little extra energy, you get that well needed push to get there? The obstacle removed, making it obtainable. That. In a track. Obtainable. The energy push. Focused.
Unexpressed – Oh, you know when you have something to say, but you just can’t find the words… they are there, on the tip of the tung, but just out of reach… Like that, this track is like that… It’s like I have no other way to say it, but still it is not the right words to express it…
Relay – In the old days (pre wired phone) it was common for messages that travelled a long way to be relayed through various communications routes. Each point repeating what it got from the previous point, until it reached its destination. Nowadays, it is a completely different thing. But as the relay echoes through time, this is a salute to all those who walked before us, making today possible with their contribution. As they did, we relay our contribution to future generations, as our echos continues through time.
Trust – In this track, I had to have trust. Trust in my creative force. Trust in my ears. Trust in me. And, of course, trust in you.
Incoherent response – Sometimes you get a response you do not expect, nor understand. Yet somehow, it makes sense. Perhaps not right away, perhaps not in a way that the response was originally intended. But in its own way. Like the first sound in this track, like the bass sound in this track. Perhaps not right, right away, but it still makes kind of sense. On its own way.
Mutual response – The feeling when it just clicks. When there is a connection that goes beyond words, beyond communication. When things are just right.
Echoes – There must be a sound for an echo to return, there must be flat surface for the sound to reflect and head its way back where it came from. Like so.