• Scarey place to live, at least if you are afraid of vulcanos! There are not less then 53 known vulcanos near Auckland. However, the last known eruption was about 1450, over 500 years ago.

    In Auckland you can also find Rainbow’s end. Not litteraly, but still litterally. It is the name of an amusement park.

  • This is the home of many, but three musically talanted people stand out in the crowd. Bryan Adams, Sarah McLachlan and Michael Bublé.

    The city has also passed a strategy for Zero Waste by 2040. Well done, Vancouver!

  • The second largest city in Italy, after Rome. It is a place that has been inhabited for a very long time, at least since 600 BC.

    Here is where the Opera Turandot by Puccini premiered in 1926, and in 1972 Charlie Chaplin was awarded honorary citizenship.

  • Another city with Muddhedd listeners with a connection to Dan Brown, this time it is the book Inferno.

    And understandably so, Istanbul is a most interesting city. Merged by different times and cultures. I dare to say that Istanbul is truly one of a kind with few places that can match its historic intensity.

  • The first baby born as a result of IVF was born in Oldham.

    …and on a different note, one of the members of Take That, Mark Owen, is from Oldham.

  • Sagrada Família, built by Antoni Gaudi is located in Barcelona, and it is also part of Dan Browns book “Origin”.

  • There is a big heavy metall band in Germany called Rage. Their lead singer, and bassist, Peavy Wagner, comes from Herne.

    Another fun fact is that the second biggest funfair in Germany is located in Herne. It is called Cranger Kirmes.

  • Lagos is said to be the center of Nigerian movie production and is sometimes called Nollywood.

    In 1973, Paul McCartney recorded the album “Band on the run” with his band Wings in Lagos.

  • If you are into waterslides, there is one (or eleven) you can try in Haag. Look for Duinrell and you’ll find your way there. And while in the Netherlands, perhaps you can try a piece of the Dutch cheese Leyden. I’ve never tried, but if I ever go there, I will!

  • There are quite a few legends floating around in Tallinn, two of my favorites are ‘The Devil’s wedding’ and the sad tale of Olev and the Oleviste Church. I am sure, if you are interested, that you will find them on the internet.
