Twice in a blue moon – Nice rhythm, used for kicking of both songs on this single release. But of course, not the same. This get my thoughts to the fake 80’s sound, that really did not exist in the 80’s, but is now solid 80’s. Fake or not, I like it. I feel at home in it.
and the second song – nice playing around with the drums and effects and rhythmic sounds as a core within the song, adding other things around it.
Time is the only thing I have – an insight slowly growing on me, time is really all I have. Well, stuff, yes, but still no. I kind of agree with Walden. Time. That is the only real thing I have.
Time is the only thing I can spend – and if time is all I have, then time is the only thing I can spend. Sounds reasonable?
About 100 – this is the 100th Muddhedd track! You are welcome to disagree, if you claim that a version of a track does not count as a new track. But it does not change anything if you disagree, this still counts as the 100th track! 🙂 And yes, you might have guessed it. It is in 100 BPM.
I made it! – It is popular to reuse things these days. Thus, there is only four sounds (even if one is duplicated into two separate channels to be able to make the filter cut in the end of the track, and apply different filtering on the two separate instances of the sound) on five channels, and each sound is reused and repurposed within the track. Oh, bass in your face!
Well done me! – is short and intense. Like a cheer, in this case a cheer for me. Yay! Well done me!
I am my biggest fan! – Well, what can I say about this one? Another slow(er) track, but with a lot of energy building up over time, and as usual, is taken down in between for the dynamics of it.
Proud 2 B Me! – This crazy rhythm – slow, yet up-beat and fast. I do not know if I want to dig it heavy with a head bounce or if I want to stand up jumping as fast as I can waiving my arms in the air like crazy?! Perhaps both? Well, it is best to admit up front, I could not keep up with the crazy tempo, had to slow it down… perhaps it’s an age thing… either way, I am proud to be me!
What is right? – Confusing rhythm at first, but perhaps it makes sense after a while. Over all a slow track. 90 bpms. It is chosen for a very specific reason. In fact, all tracks on this album have different and increasing bpms. Perhaps you will figure out why in the future! Perhaps not. Either way, the sounds of this track is a little dirty. I thought it suited the tempo.
What is true? – Bpm 91. Building energy. Without ever releasing it. Keeping it intense. Like a flame on a candle.
What is good? – Bpm 92. Would you say that this track is good? I would. At least it is pleasant to listen to. And it is not bad. Perhaps a little sad, but still claiming to raise the energy without ever speeding up the tempo. Even if it feels like it. And it feels like it slows down at the end.
What is love? – Bpm 93. Oh, if I only had a way. But I do not. Yet I still wonder. What is love? A great many things I am sure!
What is real? – Bpm 94. Sometimes it starts with something peculiar. Like in this case. And believe it or not. It is real. Really real.
What is free? – Bpm 95. You could think that the beginning is an arpeggiator, but it is stacked notes, free, independent, with a will of their own! Like the rest of the track.
What is just? – Bpm 96. What is just? Not life anyway. This track? Perhaps. I’ve tried to make it justice and this is the result. Now, you’ll be the judge. But you are limited to judge your own opinion only. You have to respect other’s opinion regarding this track, even if it is in direct conflict with your own.
What is more? – Bpm 97. Could this be more? Well, like this is in a way more. It is not less. Not yet. Less will come in time. Now it is more.
What is less? – Bpm 98. …and here we are, less. Just arrived. Nothing more. But less. This track is less like more, but more like less. In fact. It is less. So I guess it answers the question?
What is enough? – Bpm 99. Enough! Last track! After this track this album is done. I hope you’ve enjoyed it all!
Single. Classic with two tracks, a-side and b-side.
A-side: Why?
B-side: Because I can
Why? – Why Why?? The simple answer is Because I can. And because I want to. As simple as that. And as for the track. Well. As for most of my tracks I believe is is most suited for headphones that has a really deep bass. I really liked the toy piano sound, with a broken key, kind of changed up the melody of that sound completely and added an extra rhythmic effect. Me like a lot!
Because I can – Distortion and squeeking sounds. I don’t always play nice with others, but I try. This is a track, as simple as can be, nothing except for the most basic and only what is absolutely necessary. Nothing fancy. Nothing extra. But still heavy. Because I can.
Wars – As always rhythms intrigue me. And especially if different rhythms work together and sometimes perhaps even wrestle each other a bit.
Trek – Imagine a journey out in space. The excitement. Facing the unknown in the horizon. I expect it would be very interesting to go on a journey like that. But also a bit scary. Hesitating a bit for leaving everything behind.
Gate – Think “I got this!”, only to realize – no, wasn’t as I was thinking. That’s the beginning of the song. Designed to wrestle with your mind a bit. Then, the rest follows. Just enjoy the ride!
Dust – Again, rhythms. Has anyone ever stated that a beat needs to be built up by drums or drum sounds? I hope not! That is not my opinion anyway. I mean, they help to build a stable rhythm, but they do not need to fill every gap in it… can be very interesting to throw in something else along side.
Stable – The bonus track! A yes. Why not? Stable ground to stand on! Or is there something else that does not meet the eye at first? Perhaps. In any case, this bonus track is VBU Style! A tribute! (But not the Tenacious D song!)
am I – was written in about an hour – everything just flowed. Found the right sounds that matched and created the balance I was looking for. Also, as usual, started with 80 BPM, and often I change that during the writing process, but not for this track, it is perfect at 80 BPM, just the right amount of energy forward and yet still laid back and soft.
are you – a tentative laid back production, each sound held back but pushed to the edge of blooming out fully. The entire production asks “who are you?”. At least to me. This was also a track that just almost created itself in almost no time at all, not like am I, but say 3-4 hours of total production time.
is it – ok, so you might have gotten from earlier projects that I like challenges and that I sometimes put limitations on myself. For this song, my family helped me to choose (by names only) three sounds. Yes, that’s right, they did not (nor I) get to listen to the sounds they chose. My job was to forge them together into this track and make what ever I could make out of it. The three first sounds that are introduced in this songs are the one’s chosen by my family. And here you go, this is it.
is that – the fourth and final track for this EP. What can I say? If there is any connection formed between the I and you, and there is a start of a connection to it, than that is completely off… and that is that.
Well, the main focus on this EP has been baselines. And kind of just build around them, few melodies that complete each other and fill each others gaps, supporting each other in the whole.
What do you think? Did I nail it? I think I did!
And YES! Another fake voice track, last song. Scary and cool at the same time, in my humble opinion.
This is an album in two parts. Second part i Solar System Orbital. Ten songs, let’s see if you can figure out the connection? 😉
Oh, yeah, right. I need to mention. I’ve set a limitation on myself. For this part of Solar System – remix of the ‘original’ song, reuse some parts of the song but add, change and rewrite, without loosing the soul of the song.
Orbital Sun
Orbital Mercury
Orbital Venus
Orbital Earth
Orbital Mars
Orbital Jupiter
Orbital Saturn
Orbital Uranus
Orbital Neptune
Orbital Pluto and Charon
For the about of this album, please see the first part – Solar System.
This is an album in two parts. First part is Solar System. Ten songs, let’s see if you can figure out the connection? 😉
Oh, yeah, right. I need to mention. I’ve set a limitation on myself. For this part of Solar System – no drums allowed! 🙂 Awesome! Challenging! Let’s go!
Pluto and Charon
And as usual, an about section.
Sun – center of our Solar System, natural starting point (for me at least). I figure this is a still place, but intense. Life giving and devastation at the same time. Mysterious.
Mercury – with a sun orbit of almost 88 days, the song is composed in 88 BPM. Intense, yet slow.
Venus – With an orbit of 224 earth-days, I figured the tempo should be reflecting that, but 224 BPM is far to fast for my taste, so I settled for half, 112 BPM. BUT – oh, this time I love that there is a but! – the duration of the song could be 2:24! 🙂 Another fun fact about Venus is that one day is longer than a year, so I figured that the Venus song would have very little variation, yet over flooded with the energy from the sun. Yeah, almost forgot, it spins in the “other direction” compared to the other planets, so I wanted something in this a little “off”… which the arpeggiated synth represents…
Earth – We thing (my opinion) that we are the foundation of everything. Yet (again my opinion) we seem to follow our own footsteps and be our own echo, sometimes even stronger than the original signal. We could be so much more. But we are where we are, as we are.
Mars – A red, seemingly dead planet, spinning around its own axial tilt. Periodically. Repeating. Same thing over and over. Yup. That’s it.
Jupiter – next up, the giant! Big planet requires big sounds. Majestic sounds.
Saturn – I imagine Saturn as a peaceful planet, yet a little dissonance here and there.
Uranus – the name, I do not even wanna go there, thus, I say nothing. Then nothing is said.
Neptune – Something is said about Neptune, blue. Mathematical perfection. Or was it prediction? Blue and predictable. Hmm… what could I possibly make out of that? Well, a tune called Neptune.
Pluto and Charon – What about the last planet, Pluto? Well, when I grew up, it was known as the last planet in our solar system. Then, for a period of time, it lost its status as planet. And later, it got reinstated as a planet, but as a dwarf planet. Now, when checking it out, I found some who claims it to be a binary planet along with Charon. Whether this is true or not, I do not know, but it sparked my imagination, so on this album, I keep Pluto and Charon as a binary system, with the center of gravitation (or center in the stereo picture) as the bass. While everything else circulates around the center of gravity. Like the binary planets Pluto and Charon.