Single, released by a proud Dad! I got to do a (re)mix of the song Animals, written by my daughter!
Scheduled to be released 8 December 2022.
- Leftovers
- Imagination
- Feelings Deep
- Erase the past
About Life:
Leftovers – Well, there was some leftover drums from the 80’s and a 90’s bass-line, both adopted and adapted Muddhedd-style. Combines with some other leftovers from different places.
Imagination – Well, imagine if the piano was well tuned (it is not!), and imagine if the drums were actual drum sounds. And imagine if the bass-line hadn’t been inspired by the 90’s, and imagine if the melody sound had been an actual melody sound. Imagine what this song could have been. Yet, it still came to Life.
Feelings deep – for 90’s dance music I have. As Yoda might have put it. At least this is how Muddhedd puts it. This is how Muddhedd roll in 2022! Enjoy it as it is!
Erase the past – is not a wish I have. But I guess some people have that wish. For those who do, I hope you find peace in Life.
Single with two tracks (a-side and b-side, where as the a-side is the title-track!)
A-side: Whose nose? Nobody’s nose! (Dad-joke-version of Who knows? Nobody knows!)
B-side: I am a teddy bear (hug me)
About the songs:
I really do not have much to say about the songs, except that they are tracks that I come back to, again and again, to enjoy certain details that I suddenly remember and want to revisit.
The Album.
- Lonely
- Opus I
- Nocturne
- Game not played
- Life itself
- Opus II
- Spending time
- The Artificial Acapella
- Legendary Offspring
- Opus III
- Vast space
- Eternity can rust
This is a flirt with the 90’s in a way. At least the baseline(s). Somethings in life can be constant, but still changing following the flow. Other things are just constant. While some elements come and go, and as the go, they leave space for new elements.
Opus I, II and III
Opus is a song in three parts, where as some elements are reoccurring through out the parts, while others change. Still the same song, but at the same time not.
A challenging experimental concept to make a 4x8Max song. What do you say, did I pull it off?
Game not played
You know when there are some unspoken “rules” that everybody follows, social code that you just have to accept and follow? Well, sorry folks, game not played! I have spoken!
Life itself
Another musical portrait of life itself. This perhaps more a reflection of my own wish to have life constant and predictable. Right element at the right place. Following each expected pattern. Yet still life takes its own course, no matter how much I want it to stay within my comfort zone.
Spending time
Whether we (humans) have created time, made it and measure it, it still passes from our point of view. Whether we are taught it, or if we experience it merely because we are humans, from my perspective the only thing we can do is to choose how to spend time. Choose wisely my friend!
The Artificial Acapella
Oh, joy! This was a real treat to make. For me! All computer generated humanoid voices. Nothing “real” here. Artificial all the way baby! As fake as it gets. Yet. Goosebumps! And as we all know, goosebumps does not lie!
Legendary Offspring
This is a tribute to my legendary offspring. For many reasons. And in many ways. Choosing chords that aren’t supposed to harmonize, D#, G and A. Music theory states that these might not really be compatible. Which is why they are. Which is why they can be, and have been, turned into a song. Thank you, my legendary offspring, for showing me that anything and everything is possible!
Vast space
…is a track where you have a lot of space, let’s say between 20kHz and 20Hz, but for some reason, like in many other areas in life, everything seems crammed into the same space, fighting to get along while occupying the same space… despite the vast space to share…
Eternity can rust
Well, eternity is a very long time, and a lot can (and probably will) happen… I see eternity as a balance and harmony that will endure over time, but in certain moments, there can be an unbalanced dissonance. So in this song, not all harmonies nor sounds are in perfect harmony the entire time, but over all, it is a well kept balance.
Yeah, I know, probably too long title on this release, but it is what it is…
About I know I put the right shoe on because this is the only left
….I’ll update this later… maybe…
Track 1 – I know I put the right shoe on because this is the only left
Track 2 – Nora/Aron – real version
Track 3 – Nora/Aron – fake version
Update: Noop, still does not feel like updating the about-section for this EP. Except maybe that the fake version is created only to be more pleasant to listen to than the real version. You need to figure out why yourself!
Single containing 2 songs. Co-operation with Muddhedd.
A side: Hate the sin
B side: Spinning around
Hope you’ll enjoy it!
- El Gato
Both songs are created at the same time. One with happy chords, one with sad chord. PTFITF was created first, and basically resaved as a new project that was converted in mood and changed some sounds and temp, but the basic structure is about the same in the two songs. Yet two totally different songs.
BTW. At the end of El Gato – game over! 🙂
This is a two song EP, or, as if it would be an old 45 rpm vinyl single, with an A-side and a B-side.
Aside: Unknown
Bside: Unknown II
About Unkown.
Unknown, a tricky rhythm, still heavy in beat. Mixed with softer elements.
Unknown II, takes my thoughts to a ticking clock, reminding me that life goes on, no matter what.
This is the promised compensation after the five song EP Wild Oak.
- Oh God
- Bring Me
- Coffee
About Coffee.
Except from being a very nice beverage, this the thoughts behind the songs…
Oh God, a little 90’s flirt with a synth that is tight in its harmonies, and also the repeating and chopped parts in the intro. Believing in some kind of God, this is in no way a musical representation of that, just, laidback and relaxed play with notes, sounds and rhythms… rather being happy, as I believe a God, any God in fact, would like us to be…
Bring me, a little aggressive at first, like someone who is desperately in need of their first cup of coffee in the morning perhaps would be… but then slowly softening up as the coffee works its magic. Still the hard and focused hunt for coffee continues through out the day.
Coffee, a soft and happy and relaxed tune, complex in its appearance, as a cup of coffee can be in its taste. Sometimes perhaps not as we expect, yet still meeting our expectations.
- Popcorn
- Unify
- Reunion
- Endless Circle
About UniCorn
Popcorn – you know when you make popcorns on the stove? First almost no sounds, nothing, then you can hear the oil heating up, then, oh, one pop. Then another, and suddenly some more, then more, and more, and more, and just crazy popping all over the place, then again, slowing down, to almost nothing, and then, nothing… and if you do not remove the pot from the stove, you’ll start to smell the burned popcorn.
Unify – bass for the win! And oh, the distant piano. All the digital, static sounds are mixed with the organics of the voices. Even if they too are computer generated, I wanted to get that organic feeling and create the tension between the two worlds. To unite them into one unity.
Reunion – I often think that I would like to reunite with the music I grew up with, in the 80’s and 90’s, but at the same time, I do not want to relive it, so I figured I would walk down the memory lane soundwize for a short reunion. Another reunion in this song is the secondary melody. When part of the first melody, it feels sad. But repeated on its own, with different supporting elements, it gets happier. Then again, reunited with the first melody and the same effect is one more achieved.
Endless Circle – a circle has no end, according to a character in a famous book, that recently made it to a TV-series. A great one I might add. Again, a little inspired from the previous song, I choose some sounds from the past. And I made a static bass, representing the curved line leading back to itself. 88 BPM to represent infinity. Wanted to go for 80, but it got too slow.