• Lucia – time flies… today many people are lighting candles, enjoying the scent of saffron buns, and perhaps enjoying beautiful singing…

    In honor of the day, it will be a song that sings about fire, even playing with fire – which we all know we shouldn’t do… but I think it’s okay to sing about it, especially since it’s not literally about playing with fire…

  • I wonder if Timbuktu likes blackbirds? He has sung about the crow before, now it’s the blackbird’s turn!

  • Beautiful, it’s breath-taking!
    A duet as it “should” be…

  • Today features a beautiful (dark) voice, a skilled songwriter, singer, and charismatic person who I perceive as forging his own path. Formerly with the a cappella group Pentatonix, now solo. Avi Kaplan.

  • Perhaps this song should have been on December 8th instead, because it’s the 808 I like here… and I’m warning you about the lyrics, the song is flagged with an “E”…

  • For those of you who follow World of music, you know I have a fondness for synths. Vince Clarke is one of my favorites, so when I posted earlier this year about Erasure’s EP with some nice new music, no one was probably surprised. But now I found a remix of one of the songs from that record… and wow! Even though it completely lacks synths, I still get goosebumps… and as Limpan usually says: Goosebumps don’t lie!

  • I can’t claim to be any kind of oracle in the World of music, I’m just a curious listener who enjoys seeking out new experiences in the said realm… and even though I’ve experienced a lot, I’m still pleasantly surprised, time and time again… today’s song is one such happy surprise…

    Two people I’ve had my eye on and followed, separately, have suddenly (in my world of awareness) done a song together… Alan Walker and Benjamin Ingrosso…

  • Repeat of yesterday’s theme, things I stumble upon…

    Electronic music – something close to my heart… (which might be apparent, if you’ve been reading the World of music a while…)

    Track of today: Miss you…

  • Sometimes I just stumble upon something in the vast and wonderful World of music that I wasn’t even looking for. Often it might not be something that immediately makes an impression or that I get hooked on, but now and then something comes along that just… wow, this is awesome!

    That’s the case with today’s song… unfortunately, it’s a short song, and I wish it were longer… probably not for everyone, but a lone piano and beautiful harmonies and melodies…

    Perhaps it fits well on a Sunday and the second Advent?!

  • Another track that might be a little too close to christmas (and almost making me break the promise of no christmas music here), at least when it comes to the name of the artist – girl in red – is a powerful track about a hard time in her life.


