• Whoomp, there it is! X-max!!! Finally!

    Today’s song is by a much-missed talent, Marie. I feel like I lost track of her after Roxette’s heyday, but after she left us, I (thankfully) found some treasures that she left behind. This is one of my favorites:

    I want to go – Marie Fredriksson

    …and of course, there will be a bonus track today as well, a happy one:

    Happy – Pharrell Williams

    Det var det hela för musikjulkalendern 2020, hoppas du har njutit lika mycket som jag! 🙂

    That’s all for the 2020 music advent calendar, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! 🙂

    I’m thinking that there hasn’t been a single Christmas song in this advent calendar… and maybe you’ve enjoyed getting away from that this time of year, or maybe you’ve missed it… for those of you who have missed it, you can have a little Christmas gift, in honor of the day! 😉

    …and if you are interested in more music (and film) then I can recommend checking out the extra material for my first book… (or maybe reading it?!)

    Merry Christmas!

    Over and out!


  • Oh my, oh my, oh my, Christmas Eve Eve and the second to last door in the music advent calendar… 🙂

    At this point, I usually bubble with energy for what’s to come… and some others who really bubble with energy, both in their music and outside of it, are the super lovely Pomplamoose.

    I’m still standing – Pomplamoose

    …and don’t miss their Ted Talk which is certainly about music and the music industry, but which I see as highly relevant in many parts of our society and our world…

    Today’s bonus track is a song where Eminem spits out words with breathtaking speed in one of the verses… but it’s not his fastest, he completely smashed this in a later song called Godzilla, but today, the bonus-track is:

    Rap god – Eminem



  • Okay, it’s really close now!!! (But keep your distance anyway!)

    With Christmas just around the corner, I’m thinking about how important family is, both to me (and probably to others), and how strong we are together…

    Jolene – The Petersens


    Stronger – Kanye West



  • The darkest day of the year. Now it can only get better… 🙂

    Ain’t no sunshine – The Hansen

    The bonus track to bring in some energy – when it’s at its darkest…

    This is me – The greatest showman



  • Sista advent. Tiden går fort när man har mycket att stå i inför julen…

    Today, I want to once again highlight Astrid Lindgren for the fantastic contributions she has made, not only for children with her books but also for music, as she almost always wrote (or had written) songs for them…

    Vargsången – Jonna Jinton

    For the bonus track today, I first considered something completely different, with a bit of a faster tempo for the pre-Christmas cleaning, but instead, it ended up being a bit more Swedish:

    Visa från Utanmyra – Jan Johansson



  • Well, already December 19th… the last dance before we enter the 20s in December, and for those who haven’t bought gifts yet, and maybe aren’t off between the 21st and 23rd of December, it’s perhaps the last dance in the stores to get those gifts before Christmas Eve!

    Mary Jane’s last dance – Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

    Today’s bonus track will be “Yellow Submarine” by the somewhat well-known band the Beatles, mentioned a few times before in this advent calendar… This time in a version by Willy Chirino which I think could easily be the soundtrack to a traditional last Saturday (not Corona-adapted) in the stores before Christmas Eve…

    Yellow Submarie – Willy Chirino



  • Well, Christmas is creeping closer and closer and the Christmas spirit is slowly setting in… I’m sure many people, like myself, feel that a lot of money is flowing out of their wallets this time of year, which leads me to today’s song, by a great artist with an even greater voice, with a song from an even greater author.

    Fattig bonddräng – Tommy Körberg

    The bonus track will be what it is because the above is a tribute to both Tommy and Astrid!

    Tribute – Tenacious D



  • With only seven days left until Christmas Eve, and seven months ago it was the 17th of May, which is a big day in Norway. So what could be more fitting than choosing a song of the day with a little Norwegian connection?

    Girl in Oslo – Bigbang

    The bonus track will be:

    Ain’t talkin’ ’bout dub – Apollo 440 

    Why? Come along on this journey…

    …December 17th, 2003, the final part of the Lord of the Rings trilogy premieres worldwide…

    …at that time, Peter Jackson was 42 years old…

    …42 is also the famous answer to the question in “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”…

    …which was written by Douglas Adams…

    …who, in addition to the aforementioned book (series) wrote episodes for both Dr. Who and Dr. Snuggles…

    …and another famous doctor is Dr. Strange, who in recent films is played by none other than Benedict Cumberbatch…

    …who also stars in the movie “Star Trek Into Darkness” directed by J.J. Abrams…

    …who also co-wrote the screenplay for the movie “Armageddon”…

    …which featured the song “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” by Aerosmith…

    …which was Van Halen’s gateway and inspiration in the music world when they started playing Aerosmith songs in suburban clubs in Los Angeles…

    …Van Halen also wrote the song “Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love” which was sampled by Apollo 440 for today’s bonus track…

    Boom – what a chain! 😉



  • I can feel the Christmas spirit in the air, it’s almost as if there’s a faint scent of glögg and saffron buns creeping into my nostrils and a subtle taste of gingerbread in my mouth… Today’s song is a fantastic live performance by an incredibly talented musician and drummer. So cool with drummers who sing…

    In the air tonight – Phil Collins Live

    Bonus-track is the somewhat controversial song:

    Banned in the USA – 2 Live Crew



  • Today’s song is another one that I, for many years, believed was by someone else, namely Jerry Williams. Though it apparently turned out to be John Lennon. But Jerry’s version is still the most powerful version I know, yet today I have chosen a different one:

    Working Class Hero – Green day 

    The bonus track is not a different version from the ones who made it;

    Mama Said – Metallica


