• This is the result of challengeing myself. I asked for input from others, a title for the song, and four words that I had to use in the lyrics.

    Thank you VBU, E, AI and B for your contribution! Much appreciated!

    The whole purpose of this exercise was to get a framework and create something within that framework. So if someone calls and asks: can you do this soundtrack or something like that, I can now say: yes, I can! Before this EP I could only answer – yeah, I’ll try! Being fairly confident that I could. Now I know!

    About the songs:

    King katt

    Contributor: VBU.

    Words: Gusten, godis, missnöjd, not the king standard, herr pälskung, sovplats.

    If you want to check if I used all the words, check out the lyrics.


    Contributor: E.

    Words: Stanna, klart, tänkt, uppenbarligen.

    If you want to check if I used all the words, check out the lyrics.

    Svårigheternas dans

    Contributor: AI (yes, an actual AI)

    Words: Kock, bil, hamn, solsken.

    If you want to check if I used all the words, check out the lyrics.

    Personal growth (in cooperation with Broken heart band aid)

    Contributor: B.

    Words: Blood, sweat, tears, laughter.

    If you want to check if I used all the words, check out the lyrics.

    For this track, with lyrics in English instead of Swedish, it felt natural to collaborate with Broken heart band aid.

  • Life happens but there is always a choice
    take lead, or drown in the noice
    not saying it is easy, just saying it’s up to you
    oppinions doesn’t matter, it’s all what you do

    choices and actions speak loudar than words
    It makes you fly higher than the birds
    some consequenses are heavy to take
    but you’ll grow much stronger before you break

    It’s all about personal growth
    through blood, sweat and tears
    but don’t forget friends and laughter
    and live happily ever after

    should you fall, choose to get up
    make it your choice when to stop
    every small step, takes you part of the way
    it’s totally up to you, when to move and when to stay

    direction is important but will more so
    will to strive, and will to go
    explore your journey, each path you take
    everything is a lesson, never a mistake

    It’s all about personal growth
    through blood, sweat and tears
    but don’t forget friends and laughter
    and live happily ever after

  • Idag möttes jag av
    en utsträckt hand, i ett virvlande hav

    möjligheterna bjöd upp mig till dans
    allt är möjligt, det finns en chans

    solen smeker mej på kinden
    lyckan dansar i vinden

    jag kommer ur stormen till en stilla hamn
    lyckan ler med öppen famn

    Det är med lätthet
    jag tar min chans
    släpper taget om
    svårigheternas dans

    jag virvlar fritt
    i ett härligt flow
    jag lyses upp
    i ett mäktigt glow

    som att vinna jackpott
    utan lott

    få en gratis hyrbil
    med fria mil

    som en kock med köket fyllt
    å den vilsna ser rätt skylt

    som solsken efter stormen
    när rebellen krossar normen

    Det är med lätthet
    jag tar min chans
    släpper taget om
    svårigheternas dans

    virvlar fritt
    i ett härligt flow
    jag lyses upp
    i ett mäktigt glow

    Translation-ish: (according to AI)

    Today I was met by An outstretched hand, in a swirling sea Possibilities invited me to dance Anything is possible, there’s a chance The sun caresses my cheek Happiness dances in the wind I emerge from the storm to a peaceful harbor Happiness smiles with open arms

    It is with ease I take my chance Let go of The dance of difficulties I twirl freely In a wonderful flow I am illuminated In a powerful glow Like winning the jackpot Without a ticket Getting a free rental car With unlimited mileage Like a chef with a fully stocked kitchen And the lost one sees the right sign Like sunshine after the storm When the rebel breaks the norm

    It is with ease I take my chance Let go of The dance of difficulties I twirl freely In a wonderful flow I am illuminated In a powerful glow

  • Jag stod här när det skymde för mig
    allt bekant förändrade sig
    Skuggorna växte och allt ljus försvann
    på himlen släcktes alla de stjärnor som brann

    men i svartaste natten, lyste något klart
    det lilla skenet var helt underbart
    först en liten glimt av ljus långt bort nånstans
    Sen sken du starkare, du erbjöd din glans

    Stanna här hos mig,
    supermåne inatt
    du är en regnbåge
    jag vill va din skatt

    inget ljus utan mörker,
    å inget mörker med ljus

    Uppenbarligen kan det då vara bra
    att stanna upp å bara va
    lyssna in i tystnaden
    å höra viskningen igen

    blicka upp mot natthimlens mörka sky
    förnimma ditt ljus, när mörkret sakta fly
    supermåne, kom fram till mig igen
    å du supermåne, visa mig vägen hem

    Stanna här hos mig,
    supermåne inatt
    du är en regnbåge
    jag vill va din skatt

    När jag speglas i dig
    ser jag en annan mig
    här vill jag stanna

    Stanna här hos mig,
    supermåne inatt
    du är en regnbåge
    jag vill va din skatt

    Translation-ish: (according to AI)

    I stood here as twilight fell upon me Everything familiar changed Shadows grew and all light vanished In the sky, all the burning stars were extinguished But in the blackest night, something shone bright The small light was absolutely wonderful First a tiny glimmer of light far away somewhere Then you shone stronger, you offered your radiance

    Stay here with me, supermoon tonight You are a rainbow I want to be your treasure No light without darkness, and no darkness with light Apparently, it can then be good to stop and just be Listen into the silence and hear the whisper again Look up at the night sky’s dark hue Perceive your light, as the darkness slowly flees Supermoon, come back to me again And you supermoon, show me the way home

    Stay here with me, supermoon tonight You are a rainbow I want to be your treasure When I am reflected in you I see another me Here I want to stay

    Stay here with me, supermoon tonight You are a rainbow I want to be your treasure

  • I det hemmet jag bor
    finns en pälsklädd bror
    Han e inte stor
    fast det är det han tror

    En King Katt, fancy tass
    vill ha godis, i stora lass
    får du inte, blir du kissemissnöjd
    då är husses liv ingen fröjd (nej, ingen fröjd)

    Du e King Katt, inte King Kong
    Å Gusten, det e din sång
    Jag hyllar dig, bäste herr pälskung
    så kläm i å sjung

    Du e king katt
    din plats är tronen
    du är en härlig figur
    en på miljonen

    du har attityd som få,
    ja, så kan det gå

    När du väljer sovplats
    är det ditt ståtliga palats
    å den är bara din
    även om jag tror att den e min

    allt annat e not king standard
    å då blir du heligt förbannad
    och tjurar en stund
    tills godis är i din mun (i din mun, i din mun)

    Du e King Katt, inte King Kong
    Å Gusten, det e din sång
    Jag hyllar dig, bäste herr pälskung
    så kläm i å sjung

    Du e king katt
    din plats är tronen
    du är en härlig figur
    en på miljonen

    du har attityd som få,
    ja, så kan det gå

    Translation-ish: (according to AI)

    In the home where I live There’s a furry brother He’s not big Though he thinks he is A King Cat, fancy paws Wants treats, by the bucket load If he doesn’t get them, he gets cat-grumpy Then his human’s life is no joy (no, no joy)

    You’re a King Cat, not King Kong And Gusten, this is your song I hail you, best Mr. Fur King So belt it out and sing You’re a king cat Your place is the throne You’re a wonderful character One in a million You have an attitude like few others, Yeah, that’s how it can go

    When you choose a sleeping spot It’s your majestic palace And it’s yours alone Even though I think it’s mine Anything else is not king standard And then you get royally pissed off And sulk for a while Until treats are in your mouth (in your mouth, in your mouth)

    You’re a King Cat, not King Kong And Gusten, this is your song I hail you, best Mr. Fur King So belt it out and sing You’re a king cat Your place is the throne You’re a wonderful character One in a million You have an attitude like few others, Yeah, that’s how it can go

  • Jag sitter här
    jag vill göra en låt
    men jag vet inte vad den ska handla om

    det hade varit bra
    om det fånga nåns intresse
    men jag vet inte vad det ska va

    så det här blir nån låt
    som jag bara gör
    jag tänker inte mycket
    jag bara kör

    vi får se vad det blir
    kanske blir det något bra
    av den här låten som jag vill göra

    Jag tänkte på en grej
    måste alla låtar ha en refräng
    eller kan dom bara köra på

    för jag har inte skrivit text
    innan jag börja spela in
    det kanske jag borde ha gjort

    Å det finns ingen melodi
    den bara kommer nu
    Så det känns rätt genomtänkt
    eller vad säger du

    bara lite kvar innan nästa trudelutt
    med melodin ska börja
    så vi säger väl så

    Translation-ish: (according to AI)

    I’m sitting here I want to make a song But I don’t know what it should be about It would be good If it caught someone’s interest But I don’t know what that should be So this will be some song That I just make I’m not thinking much I’m just going for it We’ll see what it becomes Maybe it will be something good From this song that I want to make

    I thought of something Do all songs have to have a chorus? Or can they just keep going? Because I haven’t written any lyrics Before I started recording Maybe I should have done that And there’s no melody It’s just coming now So it feels well thought out Or what do you say? Just a little bit left before the next little tune With the melody is about to start So I guess we’ll say so

  • Då ska vi se om om jag kan göra en låt som du vill lyssna på
    som du vill lyssna på

    Det börja ganska bra
    Tycker jag, tycker jag, tycker jag,
    ja, det tycker jag faktiskt

    Då ser vi om det här blir en låt som du vill lyssna på
    lyssna på

    Tredje versern börjar nu
    å det kanske e något
    som du vill lyssna på
    lyssna på

    E det här en låt som du vill lyssna på

    E det här en låt som du vill lyssna på

    Translation-ish: (according to AI)

    Alright, let’s see if I can make a song you want to listen to That you want to listen to It’s starting off pretty well I think, I think, I think Yeah, I actually think so So let’s see if this becomes a song you want to listen to Listen to The third verse is starting now And maybe it’s something That you want to listen to Listen to Is this a song you want to listen to? Is this a song you want to listen to?

  • Hey now, hey now, what do you do,

    what do you do, baby what do you do

    Hey now, hey now, what do you do,

    what do you do, baby what do you do

    We didn’t grow together, we rather grew a part

    Now I know the the path led me to a broken heart

    I just want to mend and learn the lessons to be made

    and get as much value for the price that I paid

    Hey now, hey now, what do you do,

    what do you do, baby what do you do

    Hey now, hey now, what do you do,

    what do you do, baby what do you do

    Odd thing, being two, being three, and then no more

    I broke down when we almost became four

    Yet we are the biggest thing ever happened to me

    Especially the day we went from two to three

    Hey now, hey now, what do you do,

    what do you do, baby what do you do

    Hey now, hey now, what do you do,

    what do you do, baby what do you do

    That’s a thing that’ll always links me to you

    The light of my life and my joy too

    As her tiny hand grabbed my finger she also took

    my whole heart, with just one look

    Hey now, hey now, what do you do,

    what do you do, baby what do you do

    Hey now, hey now, what do you do,

    what do you do, baby what do you do

    Hey now, what do you do,

    what do you do, baby what do you do

    Hey now, what do you do,

    what do you do, baby what do you do

  • First single from Brodern. Swedish lyrics. Classic A-side, B-side release.

    A-side: E de här en låt som du vill lyssna på?

    B-side: Nån låt som jag vill göra


    Both tracks were created within a few days of eachother.

    Both tracks had an instrumental foundation – like a music sketch.

    Neither tracks had any lyrics upon recording them.

    Both tracks are recorded with improvised song and lyrics. A-track, two takes, B-track, one take only.

    All in accordance with the Swedish method “KBK” (Kör, bara kör!), which roughly would translate to “GJG” (Go, just go!).

    It was relly good fun doing these tracks.

  • I can’t stop craving

    Suger Rush
