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  • This is a track that has had many iterations before it was complete. The core, ironically mostly as the track is today, was done a long time ago, and I’ve added and added things only to remove them again.

    Some things are best served as they are. Simple. Naked. True.

    ….oh, and one more thing. Thanks for the dent in the universe!

  • This was originally a collaboration on a Muddhedd track for the 24123-project, but this took off and became more than just a collaboration track, it became an entire new PRD NRD-track as well.

    Scheduled for release 12th December 2024.


  • Endure to the end: 24114 (20241203) – This is a track with a little more energy, that kind of energy that comes at the last part of the race, when you see the finish line and know the goal is within reach. Yet, it is not the time to release all the remaining energy, there is still a bit further to go. But the hope and the good feeling is rising like the morning sun!

    Likely within reach: 24115 (20241206) – Now, the calm realization is overwhealming. I will do this, I am close! This track is a little like the eye of the hurricane, mentally. So much living energy surrounding me at this moment, but the mind is still calm. It was a hard feeling to capture, but I am pleased with the result.

    8 to go: 24116 (20241209) – a collaboration with Broken heart band aid, also of Musiclabb. It is not the typical Muddhedd 8 Max production, but rather an attempt to capture the feeling you might experiance after a lovely happening, that you know will end really soon, not yet, but soon. One of very few and rare occations when a Muddhedd track includes actual voice and song. Not the first, nor the last, only rare. Another rare feature is the dynamic between the precise and exact with digitally created sounds, structurered in orderly fashion, with precision and the voice and piano sound, that are more of organic nature, not strictly fit into the digital grid of precision. The contrast gives an interesting edge to this track.

    ReBoot and Root: 24117 (20241212) – Oh man, another collaboration track (with vocals). But this track took an unexpected turn. Working with PRD NRD on this one, and ultimatly, it lead to a completely different version by PRD NRD, so today it is a double release. Same track, or not.

    Validity check: 24118 (20241215) – As important as it is to check the validity of something, it is not always done, at least not in the fast information distributing times we currently live in. I want to send this out as a friendly reminder… every now and then, it can be good to just take a breath, make a validity check, before acting and keep spreading.

    Still pulse: 24119 (20241218) – Still pulse is something I both desire and fear. I desire it as in the pulse still being there, and fear if it is not. And as for the track, I do not fear it much, but rather enjoy it… and it feels like the track still has pulse. In the good way.

    Million changes: 24120 (20241221) – Million changes, I do not think that is enough. There are plenty more… but also, I do not think my brain can process all ongoing changes all around me. Too much to handle. Too complex. This track, however, is not too complex. It is just easy going and enjoyable, according to me. I enjoy it. I hope you will too.

    Happy B-day God: 24121 (20241224) – In Sweden, we celebrate on chistmas eve, and this track is released the 24th of December, thus, Happy B-day, God! Hope you’ll have a nice one! As for the track, figured that chistmas eve is an evening for relaxation, reflection, re… cannot think of another word that starts with re… reoccuring? Regrouping? Eitherway, slow and in a good mood. That is what this track is about.

    Goal is close!: 24122 (20241227) – On this track, I got to go all in on synthsounds… (noone but myself has stopped me from doing it before!) Turned out so nice, it is like the track is devided into two different pieces, with a clear breaking point in the middle. It remain the same, yet it evolves into something new. I like it. Synth all the way babe!

    All Done!: 24123 (20241230) – All done! It is both relief and joy, pride, sadness and happiness, all at the same time. In a way it is good bye! But just for this project and for 2024! See you next year again!

    Yay! All done! What a journey! I am proud! Hope you’ve enjoyed this as much as I have!

  • I’m not the last man standing

    and certainly not the first

    I am the one stumbling

    tripping over my thirst

    If there are second chanses

    and sometimes even thirds

    I’ve left them all behind me

    lost more than a hundred to my thirst

    Yet here I’m standing

    Feet firmly on the ground

    Yet still I’m stading

    I stumbled, and then I found

    Reason to get up and carry on

    My reason to stand tall and carry on

    A reason to get upp and carry on

    My reason to stand tall and carry on

    I’m just a man, like every other

    I’m just a man, a broken lover

    My heart is broken

    My inner deamons feeding

    they feast of my pain

    Yet here I’m standing

    Feet firmly on the ground

    Yet still I’m stading

    I stumbled, and then I found

    Reason to get up and carry on

    My reason to stand tall and carry on

    A reason to get upp and carry on

    My reason to stand tall and carry on

    Yet here I’m standing

    Feet firmly on the ground

    Yet still I’m stading

    I stumbled, and then I found

    Reason to get up and carry on

    My reason to stand tall and carry on

    A reason to get upp and carry on

    My reason to stand tall and carry on

  • Today is crazy: 24104 (20241103) – Have you ever had a day that is just… crazy… in lack of a better word? This track was created on one of those days. Where things did not go as planned or intended. Spinning out of controle, yet somehow, ending up in a positive outcome.

    Unfriendly echo: 24105 (20241106) – Sometimes things can sneak up on you, unnoticed at first, then, it’s just there, right in front of you. You cannot escape. As you try to get out of its grip, it seems to adapt, and the more you struggle to get out, the more it stays in front of you and keep it in its claws. Like that, but in a track. And, like all echoes, even unfriendly ones does eventually fade out.

    A day with days: 24106 (20241109) – A day with days. It is one of those days, where a moment can feel like a seperate day, not connected to other moments during the same 24 hours. It happens to me all the time. A day with constant side tracks.

    Time for now: 24107 (20241112) – There is no time like the present. Yet, at least for me, I need to remind myself that it is time for now. Always. Not dwell on the past, not get stuck in dreams or worries of the future, but stay here and now.

    Watch the watch: 24108 (20241115) – Tick, tick, tick, watch goes. Watch it, and you’ll see. Watch the watch! See what it does. Nothing really. Yet, somehow, it manages to take controle of you. Getting you to chase it. Run after it.

    Strong weakness: 24109 (20241118) – Can you have a strong weakness? A weakness that is powerfull, that you can use and make to work for your advantage? I believe so. I believe that all of you, each part, is equally important, and that as long as you emprace all of you, you only gain from it all. That’s my view.

    Fire within: 24110 (20241121) – It is important not to forget it, even when the fire fades almost goes out. But I believe it is always there, perhaps just as a tiny glow, but it is there, ready to come alive as you feed it with the right fuel. But don’t fuel it too much, it might burn you. Keep it alive and use it to your advantage. That’s what this track is about. The fire within.

    Feed the right wolf: 24111 (20241124) – I think I have refered to the two wolves in the indian tale before, one bad and one good. And it is your job to feed the right one inside you. At the moment, I am struggling with feeding the right one. For reasons unknown to me, it seems like the wrong wolf are constantly getting more and more to eat. Perhaps I’ve forgotten to feed the good one for a while, so it has weakend in its power, giving the other a possibility to take advantage over the situation. Eitherway. Today I promised myself to only feed the right wolf again. I hope you can hear my determintation in this track. A positive hope on the horizone.

    Is this real?: 24112 (20241127) – Oops, this track was not supposed to be over 6 minutes, but as it grew and matured, with that magnificent and powerful synthbass, time kind of disappeared. So, here you go, 6:20 with synths. The last sound to be introduced is actully introduced four times, to build rhythm and harmonis, panned for you conveniance. Enjoy!

    Progress made: 24113 (20241130) – Indeed, progress made! Only ten more tracks to go, then project 24123 is done! I can see the finnishline, even if I am not there yet. And what progress. This has been a journey that I do not wish to repeat, but I take a lot from it with me, not only in music creation or creativity. But in structure, focus, prioritizing and so much more. I enjoy every step of the way, I hope you have (do) to!

  • Third Broken Heart Band Aid single.

    Lyrics available.

  • Second single of Broken Heart Band Aid.

    Lyrics available.

    About: “Hey now, what’s you doin?” was initially a reaction with confusion. But over time, it transformed to a more “shrug-your-shoulders” and an acceptance for what is going on.

  • First single of Broken Heart Band Aid.

    Lyrics available if you want to check them out.
