Ok, first some context.
Growing up in the 80’s, well before social media and the internet, music typically spread from person to person, throught TV, Radio or Magazines. Now, the last three channels were mostly the mainstream flow of music, and the first for specific genres or artist.
If you were lucky, you had a few friends that was in tune with the latest from various scourses. If not, you were condemmed to the mainstream flow.
I can not say I was particurlarly well connected, and as the world of BBS (preinternet filesharing) and later services like Napster and DC++, it had a huge impact on my way of consuming music (and information). It definitly opened up for a lot of new discoveries. But back to the time before the internet and BBS’. Here and there I picked up a few roumors of music. One that I heard early 90’s, and that have emerged here and there over the years, is that of the fenomenal artist Prince. The roumer stated that he recorded an album and that it was about to be released, but then, for unknown reasons wasn’t.
Today, this roumer emerged once again, but this time by a rather well informed person and that person also provided a link… A youtube link to magic. The unreleased Black Album from Prince.
Now, as I normally am pro investigating and fact-checking everything, this is a thing I do not want to fact check. As I listen to the music, I can only say that it is new music for me – and I am thrilled to get this experiance – and that it is, again in my ears and mind, no doubt that it is Prince.
The youth-stained romantic-nostalgic sensation I am experiancing right now, I do not want to ruin this with the evil nessessity of fact checking, incase it turnes out to be wrong. I want to enjoy this experiance – even if it might be a mere fantasy from many years of lack of information.
I am enjoying it. Sometimes ignorance can be a bliss. This is one of those times for me.